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SAGE 2023 - Complete Sonic 04

There should be an unregistered hypercam logo on top of the screen

Anyways, it's 100% accurate, i'd love to see more of this
Survived until the Act 2 of 2nd zone and I can definitely say that this is almost a perfect representation of fan-games from this era. However I wouldn't say that Sonic should be this heavy and more of uncontrollably sensitive to inputs. The dialogues could also have some bad grammar for a perfect result. I'm probably not gonna finish this but I can say that this is a pretty good attempt... though I doubt it required a lot of programming to do. For request, even though it will be against the rules, I'd like to ask for more comfortable controls, so that I and many others can finish this masterpiece. Still good anyway.
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Thanks for the review.

There is some questionable grammar, like "STFU" only having the first letter capitalized and "'sup" not having the apostrophe at the start.

I am thinking of some additions to make the game a bit more beatable. I'll probably map it to a controller and also have varying degrees of acceleration based on pressing harder or softer. Unfortunately I can't really do much about Sonic's weight at this point because I designed levels around him only being able to jump so high and far.

As for programming, this game actually took more than you might expect, though that's mostly because I actually chose to have some degree of momentum and slope physics. Almost certainly more than the sorts of games this is spoofing, but I wanted to include at least a bit of depth so people could do the normal Sonic skill mastery thing.
It's updated now!