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SAGE 2024 - Demo (SAGE '24 Demo) Bowser Gets Clever: Insert Subtitle Here





This game is half-parody of a Super Mario Bros. game, a reimagining of a really old game made in 2009 by a friend of mine, Adrien Dittrick. At first it was just a gift I wanted to make to Adri, a recreation of the first level from his game, but then I got so attached to this game I just could not leave it unfinished. So I gathered a group of friends, and as BallDude Team's first project we present: Bowser Gets Clever

We tried making a game both a rage game, and also yknow, a normal human game. That is fun to play. This is just that.
We also wanted to capture the cozyness of an old flash game, and I think we did a great job! It plays exactly like a fun Mario flash game would.

Oh yeah, and this game is compatible with Windows XP.
Note, post-update 1.1.1: BGCSageHotfix will not work on XP anymore, due to a switch from 2015 Clickteam to modern Clickteam. Use BGCSageHotfixXP if you want the game to work on Windows XP. And I forgot to mention in the game itself, to pause, press P.

Btw, for better experience, replace the "mvi_swIntroW1" file with the one from The file in "BGCSageLight" is in worse quality so that the game would fit on the website.


That's it. It's just the mirrors. Note that the version from this site is outdated, 1.1.0, to download 1.1.1, use either GameJolt or
GameJolt Mirror: Mirror:

Here are some screenshots:
Title Screen:


The Map:


Mario about to get crushed by a falling toilet:



Update 1.1.1 Hotfix (10/09/2024)
+ Fixed the ticking bug (when you die at your last life while the Banzai Bill in 1-4 would start ticking, the ticking would not stop until you die again in the level)
+ Before, when you killed Hammer Bros with a spinjump, they would not be counted as dead in Hummy Redman's Challenge. That is fixed.
+ Minor bugfixes (the level titles not appearing in the headbar of the window, Loading Screen's beeps being falsetto)
- The Gringelbombural is still not removed. Hide.

Update 1.1.0 (24/08/2024)
+ Added Minor Bugfixes
+ Fixed the load softlock (when you try to load a save file without saving first, you'll get softlocked in a black screen)
+ Added Autosaving
+ Added the level titles to the game's window title as a visual flourish
- We were unable to remove the Gringelbombural

Version 1.0 (03/08/2024)
+ Initial Release


Special thanks to the ENTIRE BallDude Team for helping me with this game: ThatFedoraDude (Me), Clas, Bmv277, WildArt, Narah, Vraxx, Katie Caramel, Ratthew, Aiko/Jonbugs, Arie, Biker, Lag, ZesCrew2 (Lily), Mika, Luv, Toadette, and last but certainly not least, Felix_Bird

Latest reviews

I'm not very well versed in flash games and especially Mario flash games, so some of the nuances are lost on me, but I'll try anyway.

The game is funny, both in presentation and in the "rage" component, since the traps are more about being absolutely ridiculous first, and only then about killing you.
The production value is also very high for a fan game, you get a remixed tracks from older Mario games, cutscenes and voice acting, they make you want to bear through the rage moments, so you get to see what's next.

Ok that was almost a paragraph of being nice now I'll revert to grumpy old man.
The physics are very different from a Mario game, this WILL mess you up in the beginning, and because of the nature of the game, it's hard for me to know if it's on purpose or not.
But there are some instances where, independently from intent, it feels a bit too frustrating, like if you try to stomp 2 goombas at once you will die, or that fireballs will sometimes clip into the ground and despawn too soon.
Also the game over cutscene is unskippable and a bit on the long side, which can be aggravating considering you're gonna die a lot.
Oh and loading the game is confusing, you need to click load game and then new game, which, considering that a new game will immediately override your save, might be too dangerous.
Ok last one and I'll stop, why is the game almost 1 GB? I'm not nitpicky in terms of resolution but the graphics aren't exactly in 4k, what is happening here?

I sound way too negative now, but most of these problems can be very easily fixed, and I'm confident they will, some might already be since I couldn't go super deep into the last patch.
Everyone who isn't afraid of hard games or wants to have a laugh should definitely check Bowser Gets Clever out.
Thanks and I do understand your issues with it.
The game is almost one gig probably due to the fact that I rly wanted to include all of the music we composed for it in the music folder :P
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Reactions: Arrov
Oh and about the confusing loading
yeah its a stupid decision on my part i admit
will be fixed!
A really great Mario fangame! Love the overall polish and coziness of the game, makes me think of a Flash game (fitting since this is indeed a remake of one lol)! Though there's a slight defect: the engine can sometimes be unforgiving, doesn't take away from the experience though!
Good job!! :D
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Reactions: ThatFedoraDude
Thank you!!
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Reactions: iplux


This is definitely not a game for me as I don't have the patience to repeat the same parts of a stage over and over again until I know all the invisible traps, but I must admit your game overall seems really fine! It does get that flash-feeling, especially with the intro (I did laugh at the Star Wars text, it was peak programming to do stuff like this back then! ^^) and even the gameplay stands strong. My only two gripes gameplay-wise are the jump height being fixed, which throws my Mario reflexes through the window, and the fact you need to accelerate with Left Ctrl while using the Z and X keys to jump and throw fireballs. My fingers don't like it! :D
(Also I had to turn my keyboard into QWERTY for this, as I have an AZERTY one)

So yeah, in summary the game seems to achieve what it's going for, the vibe feels good, it's just not for me. Congrats anyway, I'd say you are on the right track!
This is definitely not a game for me as I don't have the patience to repeat the same parts of a stage over and over again until I know all the invisible traps, but I must admit your game overall seems really fine! It does get that flash-feeling, especially with the intro (I did laugh at the Star Wars text, it was peak programming to do stuff like this back then! ^^) and even the gameplay stands strong. My only two gripes gameplay-wise are the jump height being fixed, which throws my Mario reflexes through the window, and the fact you need to accelerate with Left Ctrl while using the Z and X keys to jump and throw fireballs. My fingers don't like it! :D
(Also I had to turn my keyboard into QWERTY for this, as I have an AZERTY one)

So yeah, in summary the game seems to achieve what it's going for, the vibe feels good, it's just not for me. Congrats anyway, I'd say you are on the right track!
Hehey! Thank you! This passion project means a lot to me so huge thanks for criticism! Genuinely btw :3
If I figure it out I might add a key remapper in the game, so people can change the way they play the game to their comfort
And yes, apologies for the inconvenience with the keys n stuff
Hehey! Thank you! This passion project means a lot to me so huge thanks for criticism! Genuinely btw :3
If I figure it out I might add a key remapper in the game, so people can change the way they play the game to their comfort
And yes, apologies for the inconvenience with the keys n stuff
Don't sweat it for the keys, I know there are more QWERTY users than AZERTY in the world ;) Good luck for making the rest of it, the story behind the game is touching, and I'll try to get at least to the end of stage 1-2 as the Goombas are kicking my butt so far!
This is definitely not a game for me as I don't have the patience to repeat the same parts of a stage over and over again until I know all the invisible traps, but I must admit your game overall seems really fine! It does get that flash-feeling, especially with the intro (I did laugh at the Star Wars text, it was peak programming to do stuff like this back then! ^^) and even the gameplay stands strong. My only two gripes gameplay-wise are the jump height being fixed, which throws my Mario reflexes through the window, and the fact you need to accelerate with Left Ctrl while using the Z and X keys to jump and throw fireballs. My fingers don't like it! :D
(Also I had to turn my keyboard into QWERTY for this, as I have an AZERTY one)

So yeah, in summary the game seems to achieve what it's going for, the vibe feels good, it's just not for me. Congrats anyway, I'd say you are on the right track!
Also, the jump height isn't fixed. It's just that the jump hold height is poor.

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