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SAGE 2024 - Demo Project Reignition - SAGE 2024 Demo


Project Reignition logo.png
Project Reignition is a fan-remake of the 2007 Wii title, Sonic and the Secret Rings. The project is made using the Godot game engine, and aims to bring Secret Rings to modern standards by providing Standard Controller Support, Updated Visuals, and Improved Gameplay.

Release Trailer

This demo contains every single mission from Sand Oasis and Dinosaur Jungle, the first two proper areas of the game.
It also features over 30 Skills and an experience system.


Skills are unlocked by default, although you may need to level up before you can use them all.

Ranking Overhaul
The Ranking System has been completely redesigned from the original game. Time alone isn't enough anymore -- complete the stage as quickly as you can while continuously chaining actions together to rack up bonuses and achieve a combined score and time exceptional enough to obtain those elusive Gold Medals!
If you're craving a more extreme challenge, try getting all of the Gold Medals without enabling any skills -- I guarantee they're all possible :D


No more free medals. You're gonna have to grind for it.

Presentation Overhauls
Animations and visual effects have been completely recreated from scratch. Additionally, certain missions feature completely new visuals and original music.
Hopefully this helps alleviate some of the repetitiveness from the original game.


No trauma here, promise.

Known Issues
Please report any new bugs in the Discord server.
  • Long Loading Times
    Loading can take a while, especially on the first playthrough. While a fix is in the works, it isn't reliable enough to be used yet. Please be patient as the game loads!
  • Stuttering
    The game has a tendency to stutter pretty heavily during the first playthrough. Hopefully this will see improvements in the future.
  • General Optimization
    The game is relatively unoptimized and may have performance issues on weaker machines. Please turn the quality down in the Video options to help alleviate this slightly.
  • Overheating
    Some computers may start to throttle and overheat. See if enabling V-Sync in the Options Menu fixes the issue.
Downloads (v0.1.1c)
(MacOS isn't supported yet. Sorry!)

Windows Mirror #1
Windows Mirror #2
Linux/Steam Deck Mirror
Media Package for Content Creators

Latest reviews


Cool as hell. Very crashy, very freezy, always during a loading screen. But it's so much fun and so addicting that I don't even care [definitely biased though because I'm one of those weird bastards who already likes the original Wii game on it's own]
I dont get why people remake terrible Sonic games to pc, this is a decent remake but it doesnt make Secret Rings suddendly good
Hyper rasheed
What about Project 06
Have you actually played it? Fw the skills and try to make a fun build, the Storybook games are action RPGs.
Never really played Sonic and the secret rings but that won't stop me from judging.

It look MUCH better than the original game, and on top of that, and it plays well, if i didn't know anything about the original, i would have thought this was just a normal port of the game, ignoring how much motion controls and slow progression harmed the reputation of the game, If the original wii game played like this, the sad history of the storybook series would have been VERY different.

The only thing i can complain about is the fact that the fisrt time a level is played it will stutter a lot.
Also i guess that auto run shoud be a default option, the game was REALLY built with that in mind, especially considering that Sonic will decide to turn around in completely arbitrary spots, it makes the game a bit unsatisfactory to control.

Now this game really is for everyone who likes Sonic, good job.
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Reactions: KumaPaws
Thanks for playing! I considered enabling Autorun by default, but ultimately decided against it to make the game more accessible to general players.
However, eventually I want to add enough options so players who want an authentic experience can recreate the original control scheme ^^
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Reactions: Arrov


Only complaint I have so far is that the ground turning is a little too slippery and makes it hard to do precise movements, but other than that this does wonders to Secret Rings and makes it feel so so much better than the OG game
This games project is everything I have wished for and now being able to play steam deck i have both dreams come true, project reignition is a game that you cannot hate 10|10 a must play for all Sonic fans. Also if you wanna play it smooth i recommend everything low and bilinear for the smooth 60fps (on steam deck)as the game still looks amazing
Only complaint I have so far is that the ground turning is a little too slippery and makes it hard to do precise movements, but other than that this does wonders to Secret Rings and makes it feel so so much better than the OG game
Have you tried to use the turning skills? As you can edit sonic skills in that.
This is awesome, I always wanted to play secret rings with regular controls, like if it also came out on ps3 and xbox along side the Wii, and motions being just the Wii version gimick. Great job and keep up doing this awesome proyect

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