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SAGE 2024 - Demo Project 32X - Sonic Mars (Final Demo)

While graphically this is a clear step-up from the previous demos, as far as gameplay this demo honestly felt rather frustrating and buggy. I do like that levels seem to have more going on now, but due to how narrow the paths are I found it easy to fall off.

As for the bugs I encountered, these included being able to launch yourself way up in the air particularly with the spindash which I can't imagine is intentional, getting stuck in geometry (once soft-locking the game), sometimes falling off the level for longer than intentional (causing Sonic's model to separate), and one time the effects from killing badniks reappeared after the level is reset.

Another thing I noticed is that the ability to rotate the camera was removed, and I honestly have to wonder why? I get that it may not have been possible at a stable framerate on the actual 32X, but I feel the goal here likely is (and should be) to make something that FEELS like it could run on 32X, rather than be 100% hardware accurate. Seems like a feature that could lessen some frustration and (unless I'm missing something here) was ultimately harmless at worst, not to say it's outright required either and I get that you can now zoom the camera in at least.

One last thing that I feel like pointing out is that the the music (particularly the title theme) honestly sounds worse to me compared to before, mainly in terms of instrumentation. And I know some people criticized the music in the past, but I honestly didn't mind it and feel that the new music sounds less accurate to the 32X. Which again this game doesn't need to be entirely hardware accurate, but I'd argue the music should at least be close. Maybe I'm in the minority here as far as not liking it as much, but I don't know.

Hope I don't come off as way too negative here since I do seriously like this project, and have enjoyed seeing it progress over time. This should all be fixable stuff plus I did at least have some fun with this new demo, so keep at it and I'm sure this will be a really fun and unique Sonic fan game once it's done!
Well, did you see the last update on the build that is shown on the page itself? That says: "Not as complete as I wanted, but final build submitted"? And about the camera, there was simply no proper way of including It in a "Genesis Controller Like" setup, and It simply wasn't needed anymore because they Level Design was now adapted to rarely have câmera facing paths, and about the narrow paths, first Sonic's Collision Box is a Lot bigger than himself, and also, you can hold U and I to go slower, and about the music, in reality I tried replicating the instruments from GEMS, simply because Sonic Mars was made at the same time almost all American Genesis/32X games were using GEMS for the soundtrack.
Yeah I did see that update though felt like reviewing the game as it is, I still probably should have mentioned that though. The thing with the camera makes sense and is kinda what I figured after posting my review, although the standard Genesis controller only has 3 buttons so I assume this is taking into account the 6 button controller as well.

I know you can hold those buttons to go slower, although personally I don't think the game should be designed so that's mandatory, but to be fair it doesn't quite seem to be the case. As for the music making it sound like GEMS makes sense, though I'd still say it doesn't quite sound accurate enough, at least in my opinion.

Again, wasn't trying to be overly harsh so I'm sorry if this came across that way, I just want this game to turn out the best it can. There's likely only so much you can do for a game based on Sonic Mars, but still I see a lot of potential here and for what it's worth the visuals are just about perfect now I'd say.
Pretty solid game, the addition of the slowdown buttons are really useful on some parts due to the tight level design
The lack of explanating for the bossfight at first was kinda confusing, but pretty easy to understand the second time i played it
The enemies are pretty well designed, but i think stuff like the spider badnik feels a bit unfinished design wise
I overall enjoyed the demo and looking forward to the full game
Hey. Just finished the game and I got to say it's really great. the movement is solid and really glad that you added a button to slow down sonic since the levels are a little tight. I just wish there was like a bigger space for sonic to move around. BTW a weird bug I saw was that after you break the ring box and you die, the cloud that comes out of it stays there for a while. also, the spindash+ jump is OP. overall love the game! :)
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I didn't thought people would really like this demo, mostly because of how rushed It was, but still, I'm grateful you liked It and thanks for playing!