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SAGE 2024 - Demo Penn Guiny's Dream Sack Demo

A very fun and unique little platformer!

First I will get my criticisms out of the way;
- Some of the movement is a little iffy, specifically, changing directions while moving fast in mid air feels very off. However, this didn't adversely affect the game too much; I just think the movements needs to be retooled a bit.
- You get used to it, but I don't think the purple cloud thing accurately conveys what it's function is. Maybe have Penn do a spin-kick or something more acrobatic instead of just doing a pose? Also, little nitpik, but I think Penn should slide up the walls rather than rolling up them.
- A bug I noticed; the "restart" button at the end of the level seems to open a new window instead of taking you back to the menu or something?

Now onto the positives!
- The sections where you have to slide, and jump off of a bunch of enemies in a row was very fun and I can see a lot of speedrun potential for them! I'd like to see more of this, perhaps with some new mechanics or platforms mixed in as the game goes on.
- The movement in-general (aside from the issues mentioned above) is very easy to understand, and yet has a decent amount of depth to it.
- Penn is an adorable little goofball.

Overall it was a fun time! I think polishing the movement as well as some more character frames that better convey said movement would make it even better. Keep up the good work!
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All your criticisms are the things I’ve been planning to fix after Sage ends so that’s good:) also thanks!:)