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Game Maker Studio 2 Orbinaut Framework [OBSOLETE]

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Pros: Easy to use
Cons: None that I've run into
I love that this is for Game Maker. Ty ty
a framework in GameMaker studio 2?! , cool!
Pros: Fells like Classic Sonic!


Using a Super Peelout here consistently causes you to become a ghost and pass through all collision... resulting in you hitting the death plane. [SFGHQ hates images/attachments i guess so i have to describe it]

After the bumper there is a loop which has a life monitor on top of it. I also want to mention that the springs are not visible (dunno if intentional or not). Anyway if you do a super peelout JUST after the loop (but before the slope that comes after the loop) you will clip.

Reaching the boss while having speed shoes on will return the music to the stage music instead of reverting to the boss music.
If you do a flame dash into a zoom tunnel, the flame dash effect will continue happening in the zoom tube instead of being canceled out.

Also you can bounce with the bubble shield after you hit a spring.
also music didnt go back to normal when finishing the invincibility theme
aaaaalso super peelout isnt nerfed underwater

aaaand i dont know what post processing is, or what it does, im just curious what it does or if itd matter if i turned it off or on (cause i dont know what it does)
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i was able to glitch through the stage again with super peelout but this time a crumbling platform caused me to clip out of bounds, first load-up had a no music error but when i restarted it-it had music, i got thrown out of a spin tunnel into an invincibility monitor at the end somehow, super peelout with speed shoes doesnt work properly, thats prolly all
Using a Super Peelout here consistently causes you to become a ghost and pass through all collision... resulting in you hitting the death plane. [SFGHQ hates images/attachments i guess so i have to describe it]

After the bumper there is a loop which has a life monitor on top of it. I also want to mention that the springs are not visible (dunno if intentional or not). Anyway if you do a super peelout JUST after the loop (but before the slope that comes after the loop) you will clip.

Reaching the boss while having speed shoes on will return the music to the stage music instead of reverting to the boss music.
If you do a flame dash into a zoom tunnel, the flame dash effect will continue happening in the zoom tube instead of being canceled out.

Also you can bounce with the bubble shield after you hit a spring.
also music didnt go back to normal when finishing the invincibility theme
aaaaalso super peelout isnt nerfed underwater

aaaand i dont know what post processing is, or what it does, im just curious what it does or if itd matter if i turned it off or on (cause i dont know what it does)
I also experimented that, but with debug mode.
yeah i got removed from it as well
im assuming it got deleted for whatever reason
ah, thats reassuring. I was originally thinking i was banned for saying that when I updated SAGE 2022 Orbinaut Framework to a newer version of SAGE 2022 Orbinaut Framework, it refused to run.
Why is the only platform available 'test' I can't get windows. I don't really know how GMS2 works that much
You need a subscription to get the windows platform option. For more info, log in to your Gamemaker account on, then go to the subscriptions tab and scroll down to see all subscriptions available.

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