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SAGE 2024 - Complete Mega Man X8 16-bit

I would give a 7 out of 5 stars if I could. I spent the last week playing this each night for an hour or so, and I 100%-ed all the major stuff, and got forty-something percent of all the trophies available on my first playthrough. I can say I thoroughly played this game and it scratched the itch I have had for so long for another 16-bit entry.

In many ways, this one surpasses the originals due to the extra content and maintaining the nuances of the MMX8 original combat system. The secret boss fights were my favorite part of the game by far, as they were so challenging and novel...They were perfect for my skill level.

I am a big MMX big, that I created my own newby-level fan remaster of MMX7 back 2 years ago and posted it on GBATemp for everybody to download, including HD textures and screenshots of all my settings that got it to run in widescreen and internally rendered at 4K and 60FPS. So, when I say that this MMX8 fan game shows even more care than Capcom EVER would have for a similar project, and that Alysson da Paz put them to shame as a one-man army, I SERIOUSLY mean it.

Way to add-in so many original levels, physics, game mechanics, bosses, and charm. I seriously hope you find the time to further expand the demake later to add more content, particularly the other playable characters. Didn't miss them, though, since the game as-is was such an amazing experience. ENCORE!...ENCORE!!!
Hey it's awesome and I think the work and changes you put in are super awesome, Pitch Black in particular has been amazing so far. (Haven't finished it yet)

But MAN, I'm posting this because I can't get my RIDE ARMOR through the damn door in Booster Forest and I don't know why. ;-;

Plz send help.

EDIT: Well uh... just nevermind I guess. I didn't know you could punch the doors. T-T I had to fight Bamboo pandamonium with no upgrades, or ride armor... he took 5 lives in a row... I also died so much in a row without restarting the whole thing because of all the extra lives I earned from dying over and over again in the rest of the stage.

This game REALLY needs a wiki or something soon. Top tier man, 10/10 can punch open boss doors in Ride Armor.

EDIT2: Okay I just ran into a WEIRD glitch. I was playing the stage the right way (Thank God) until I ran into one of those eyeball enemies and the camera fell off and into the pit?? It killed me instantly and I was STILL in the Ride Armor when I ran into it too. Weird stuff man, idk what's up with that. I think maybe you need to disable it's grabbing when you collide with it in Ride Armor. <_<

EDIT3: Not 100%, it might have been my i-frames making X invis to me in the moment and it was normal. <_< idk, I did actually get X grabbed and not the ride armor this time so I have no idea.
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Ridiculously well done.
Wish Capcom would hire this guy to direct MMX9.
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This is absolutely fantastic!!!!!!!!!! 10/10!! You fixed x8 forever!!!! What a time to be alive!
Send your patreon or similar, so people can crowdfunding your work on other ventures!!
Please, make the x7, x6, x5, x4 demake (especially x7)!
You can fix the megaman series!

(you could also create x9 and so on! i would gladly help founding)
Hola, aquí un hispanohablante, solo que venido a decir que...
10/10 y GOD como dicen por aquí xD

Pero ya enserió, todo esta bien hecho, la sensación al jugar como en el SNES es demasiado buena, el arte que es demasiado hermoso, y hasta debería ser ilegal de lo bello que se ve, los jefes, etc etc. Cada apartado esta bien logrado!
Lo ''negativo'' o algo que le reprocharía al demake, es la dificultad, ya que hay ratos en que te puedes quedar atascado, como me sucedió con el jefe final, pero a la larga te acostumbras. La clave es prestar mucha atención a los ataques y usar tus habilidades sabiamente.

Solo quiero desearles mucho éxito al equipo en sus futuros proyectos. Se lucieron con este juego, y espero ver más de ustedes en el futuro.

De lo mejor que he jugado en 2024.
Sigan así!!
Donde puedo encontrar la versión completa para Android, quiero poder jugar este juego
This Fan Games is eXcellent, it is very faithful to the original game, and even better.
The original game has a lot of auto-scrolling levels, making the quality low, repetitive and boring, but it's a good game. And this game removes the auto-scroller and puts in incredible level design, providing a loyal and memorable experience.
It's a great game, thanks a lot!

Actually, the judgment for dash jumps in the game is too strict. I must press and hold the dash and jump keys at the same time to dash jump, it's a bit hard when there is a key conflict in my preferred key settings. I noticed in the origin game, you can press jump key a bit later after release dash key to act dash jump, can you improve that?

Also, the jump up speed is a bit faster than the origin game, it's not a big problem, but you can make the control more comfortable by fixing it.

Thanks again, may you have a happy day!
I loved this game, it has amazing mechanics and visuals for a 16-bits game, it has a very nice touch for the difficult that u have to try out, also i was able to get all achievements except one since its bugged i will try to get it ones it gets fixed, if u want a challenge try getting all achievements u will get a lot of fun trying!
Just beat the final boss, and wow! Buttery smooth controls, rock solid performance, and tons of level design and gameplay improvements over the original make this an easy recommend! However, several small issues cause me to rate this a four rather than a five:

1.) The sound mixing is all over the place. Some sound effects (e.g. the pre-boss "WARNING" alarm, menu sounds) are too quiet, while others (e.g. fully charged buster shots, the extra life jingle) are too loud.

2.) The lack of a "reset to default" option in the Button Config menu can leave folks in a bind (pun not intended) if they somehow royally mess something up. For example, I played this game with a Hori wireless Xbox 360 fight stick. I thought I could cycle through the weapon wheel by mapping opening the weapon wheel to the Back button and weapon wheel navigation to the control stick (detected on Windows 11 as the d-pad), allowing me to use my control stick to select a weapon from the weapon wheel so long as I keep the button held. However, the weapon wheel doesn't work that way, and the lack of a right analog stick on this controller means I had to map all of those actions to the Back button as a compromise.

3.) While not essential, the lack of a "Quit Game" option and subsequent confirmation prompt on the title screen, pause menu, etc. struck me as a bit odd. I imagine hitting Alt+F4 to quit would be inconvenient for some settups (e.g. a laptop hooked up to a living room TV), but I understand if it's not a "must add" feature.

4.) I noticed a typo in Avalanche Yeti's pre-fight dialogue (see attached screenshot). Perhaps there are others?

I do not consider the omission of Axl and Zero worth docking points over, as the game you have given us feels fully realized. That said, are there any plans to make this game open source once you have finished post-release bug fixes? I would love to see this game get ported to every platform under the sun, receive mod support, the works! If not, no worries; it's your game, after all. :)

Edit: Oh, does this game support 4:3 resolutions? Just wondering since I have some CRT monitors and would to do another playthrough on one of those!


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Regarding open-source, at first I was very keen on the idea but some recent events regarding people trying to profit off open-sourced projects made me reconsider it... So I think I'll not do that for now!

And there is no support for 4:3 resolutions, unfortunately.
The open source profiteering is unfortunate, so I don't blame you for holding off on making the game open source in response. And 4:3 support isn't a must-have, especially since you probably designed the gameplay around the 16:9 aspect ratio.

Thanks again for the awesome game! I loved every second of it!
Absolutely amazing! I liked the original X8 but it certainly was padded with arena rooms, gimmicks and overall unfun mechanics. In this project you maintained what worked, but took the liberty to replace the bad parts, making for a much, much better game.
In terms of style and gameplay it's also flawless, congrats!
Windows user here. I made an account just to make this comment because of how much I love this game. Great job. 10/10

I am, however, experiencing some glitches as of update 0.7:

So far... The directional buttons I use on my Xbox controller are now speed scrolling in every direction, and I cannot properly select anything. Also... after I closed the game the first time after updating, it now crashes on startup. Please fix ;.; I love this game.
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That's weird! Have you tried going back to update 0.6 and see if it crashes aswell?
I would like to try that! Unfortunately, I haven't a link. 😕 Could you provide one? I'll let you know! 😄
Problem solved! I deleted the save file for X8 (I don't mind starting over 😏) and everything is working perfectly! The controller mapping is even fine! Thanks again for everything! 😄✌🏾
Great experience, the gimmick levels on X8 gave been greatly improved here and the armor buffs are great, but:
  • Very little lenience on some bosses and too much on others (especially towards the end of the game)
  • Besides the platforming part which was awesome, the rematch was unfun
    about as unfun as x challenge is, since the bosses just are not programed to work together, and it feels like ass to just shot and hope one of them dies
  • Why does sigma and lumine 2 just deal so much damage with screen wipes? I get that it's the last fights but it's just not fun to game to clear these insane hurdles with this little lenience on the areas to dodge, even if "positioning" could save you the trouble, you don't know 100% which move is gonna come out next so it doesn't feel fair to me specifically
Besides these hitches, it's a great demake, made clearly with love by someone who loves MMX8, and it's difently a great addition to the original game experience :)
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Believe me when i say that this is one of, if not the best mega man x ever made. Best bosses, best weapons, best visuals, best level design and best armor parts. The only criticism i have with this game is the absence of axl and zero makes the story and character interractions feel a bit dry but thats nothing compared to the absolute magnificent glow up this game got. Definitely play this
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Dos K
Que buen fangame!!! Gracias!!! Con lo que me gustaron los primeros X. Ojalá saques para android esta versión, o la Rom para emular en PS o SNES.
Just finished the game and I must say, it's one of the most fun I had with a Mega Man X game in a long time. It's really clear that a lot of passion and dedication went into it.

The level design is simply excellent; no stage felt like a chore to traverse. It was smooth sail from beginning to end, the secrets everywhere to keep your curiosity up and incentivise exploration for the upgrades was executed marvelously.

Engaging new boss patterns; while being the same characters, the bosses are totally different, and while intimidating at first, were a blast to fight.

The revamped weapons was probably my favorite part; most of them were super underwhelming in the original game, but here they are all fantastic and super fun to use. With the route I took, after a few bosses down, I barely used the buster and just had a blast using the weapons.

The new armor piece functions were pretty neat, and keeping the system to where you can choose which armor piece to equip and mix and match the pieces allows for the player to choose their mobility and power they want.

The final stages were a real treat, especially the Gateway stage, it was an incredible surprise.

All that said, there's a few little things that I feel need a little bit of a touch up. Maybe it was just me, but when enabling the setting to double tap a direction to dash, sometimes I'd dash even if I felt like I didn't properly double tap the buttons. As well as I felt sometimes there was a delay from buster shots where even if a shot has hit an enemy, I couldn't shoot again for a second or something while the other 2 shots were on screen. And the audio mixing could also use a touch up, the sound for when you take damage is ostensibly louder and some enemy explosions were really quite, things like that.

But overrall this is a fantastic game and a must-play for any Mega Man X veteran.
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One of the Best MMX fangames i've seen, but the game Crashes my whole pc when i try to open it and stays on a black screen forever :v
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JOGO MUITO FODA PQP, amei tudo nele, principalmente o fato de ter sido feito na godot. O melhor de tudo foi a tradução huebr mds nunca me diverti tanto lendo dialogo kkk, esse jogo é muito incrível pra ser real slk, espero poder jogar mais jogos como esse!
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Thank you, with all my heart <3
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Finally played and beat the full demake, it was amazing, especially many details of the original being translated to the 16-bit, especially the 2 stages that originally were by only utilizing the ride chaser.

There were parts that the demake got me off-guard which were
the Sigma fights, these are lot more intense than the original game.

I enjoyed bit by bit of it, but with a few critics and oversights:
- The SFX in which X takes damage is way too loud compared to most SFXs.
- Equiping all Icarus Armor parts and then switching these with one, two or three Hermes Armor parts makes the Icarus Armor Bar appear in the HUD despite not fully equiping Icarus Armor until the game is paused or weapons are switched.
- Even though i had a blast with the final boss fights, the amount of damage each attack causes i find it personally a bit exaggerated (maybe skill issue from my part? XD), reducing the damage they inflict by 2 could do it (for example, one attack causing 10 damage -> 8 damage).
- I think Sub-Tanks should restore up to 28 HP (like the SNES Megaman X titles) instead of 24.

With that, congrats on finishing this demake, all of that work paid off.
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Putting aside some audio mixing issues, it's great!
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I've just finished playing through the build and I loved it, though I still haven't beaten the secret bosses. I was already a huge fan of the project by the 3rd demo, but the experience has just gotten better.

Some of the changes I really liked were:
  • Locking "Head Parts H" behind a ice block pile that requires Earthrock Trilobyte's weapon and requiring the Gravity Antonion's weapon for Foot Parts H;
  • The boss replay section where you went with the X Challenge approach of fighting the bosses in pairs was just so much fun (especially considering you can choose the pairings based on the portals).

If you want to know where the secret bosses are located:
It's in Optic Sunflower's stage, you have to get S rank in all three sections without dying.

This game was a lot of fun to me. I really appreciate the care that went into this project.
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