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SAGE 2024 - Demo Final Fantasy TRPG: Legend Edition



Due to the nature of being a tabletop roleplaying game, Final Fantasy TRPG: Legend Edition may require a different approach compared to other demos available during the expo. Unlike a video game, setting up a session of Legend Edition will require multiple active participants, a reading of the core rule book, a clear understanding of the rules, and ample prep time for the GM and players. Streamers who wish to demo the game through a one-shot session are free to do so, but please be aware of these prerequisites. You may also opt for simply showing off and exploring the PDF itself if time constraints are a concern.

Alternatively, our project lead Mildra the Monk will be available for live interviews during SAGE week (other developers may be available as well). We encourage streamers who are interested in our game to select this option if they wish to get a good overview of our system while also being able to fit in other demos from the expo.

Reach out to Mildra at one of the following:
Discord: @mildrathemonk
Twitter/X: @MildraTheMonk
Email: [email protected]

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A spiritual successor to the long-running Returners' Final Fantasy RPG and its many independent successors (Final Fantasy 4th Edition, Omega Fantasy), Final Fantasy TRPG: Legend Edition continues the lineage by ushering in a new age of tabletop gaming action!

This is an intermediate-complexity tabletop roleplaying game based on the Japanese console RPG series, Final Fantasy. After 3 years of research and studying the various video games and tabletop games that inspired us, we've devised a game system that makes it easier than ever to build out the Final Fantasy campaign of your dreams! Whether you're a veteran or someone new to the series, our streamlined rules and various customization options will help you get started with ease.​

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One of Legend Edition's core design principles is mythos over setting. The system is designed to accommodate total setting agnosticism; with our rules, it is easily possible to both replicate existing Final Fantasy worlds, as well as original worlds of your making. The game features a modular design that promotes an emphasis towards both Player and GM-facing customization. With over 50 unique Jobs representing different corners of Final Fantasy's vast history and a track-based advancement system, each player's character will feel wholly unique to one another.​

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With Legend Edition, you can experience the essence of Final Fantasy the way that you love it the most. Through our simplified, row-based combat mechanics and multitude of advanced rules for adapting game-specific systems, you'll always be able to simulate the heat of battle the way you prefer it. Character skills also include alternate applications that lend themselves towards replicating the thrilling excitement of more cinematic moments, evoking the vibe of the cutscenes and action set-pieces that the series is known for.

Final Fantasy games have always hosted vast worlds with rich lore, varied locations, and high political tension. Our Reputation system will allow for the party to seamlessly integrate and immerse themselves into the world of the game as they interact with different groups and factions. You can track your party's progression regarding each of your affiliations, and you'll even be able to build up your own personal headquarters with the Holding system.

Regardless of your personal taste, Legend Edition has something for you.

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◈ Introduction to tabletop RPGs and Final Fantasy

◈ A detailed look at Legend Edition's unique design philosophy ◈

◈ d20 and d6-based core mechanic ◈

◈ Detailed character creation guide with an emphasis on customization ◈

◈ 4 Primary Classes: Warrior, Expert, Mage, and Adept

◈ 50+ Jobs from across the Final Fantasy series ◈

◈ 25,000+ Job combinations for custom character builds ◈

◈ Hundreds of unique abilities across all Jobs ◈

◈ Comprehensive lists of Items, Equipment, Spells, and more ◈

◈ Rules for creating custom Weapons, Armor, and Artifacts ◈

◈ Fully detailed bestiary with sample enemy stat blocks ◈

◈ System for creating monsters and NPCs ◈

◈ Various GM tools to help with running your game ◈

◈ Alternate systems to emulate various Final Fantasy mechanics, like Materia and Junction ◈

◈ Combat rules, mechanics, examples, and much more! ◈

The SAGE 2024 demo of our game includes the first 10 chapters of the core book. Additionally, we've included a preview of our Bestiary with 20 sample NPC stat blocks to get you started. Look forward to our full Bestiary and Advanced Rules chapter in the full release! Alongside the core book, we've also included PDF files for the Character Keeper, Party Tracker, and print & play status condition markers. You can find additional materials for our game on our page.

Keep in mind that while the game is close to completion, we are still in active development and pages seen in the demo release are subject to change.

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Mildra the Monk
Game Design, Writing

Xanatrix Zadare
Game Design, Writing. Editor in Chief

Jun Cris
Character Illustrations

Book Design, Layout, Editing

Matthew Schuff
Graphic Design, Sheet Layout, Bestiary, Editing

Frank Muniz
PDF Functionality


Additional Support
Joel T. Clark
Jeremy Jack

Dedicated to Brian Fitzpatrick


Find us on

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA

This product is the effort of volunteer labor. Final Fantasy TRPG: Legend Edition is in no way affiliated with, or representative of Square Enix Co., Ltd., or the Final Fantasy property. This product is free to download, and no profits have or shall be made as a result of its distribution. All mention of copyrighted works is for the purpose of reference only and is not a challenge of copyright or trademark.

This publication is a work of fiction in that it contains fictional characters and enables readers to create their own original fictional content. However, real-world people and entities are mentioned in passing. This publication has not been prepared, approved, or licensed by any existing person or entity, and there is no affiliation between any mentioned and Final Fantasy TRPG: Legend Edition. Any resemblance of a fictional character presented here to a real-world person, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

FINAL FANTASY ©1987, 2024 SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved.​

Latest reviews

This is a review of the full "Demo" version that is available here at the Sonic Amateur Games Expo (SAGE) event as of writing. It is without a portion of the bestiary and the advanced rules section but is otherwise comprehensive and fully playable.

TL;DR 5/5 stars, easily.

This is the definitive, customizable Final Fantasy tabletop game that we all have been waiting for. Whether you're an oldschool curmudgeon or a wide-eyed FF babe who bought that funny roman numeral game that just came out on steam- *your* Final Fantasy awaits in this book. A few kinks are being noted and worked on by the devs.

I will briefly go over a short list of cons before I list out my personal pros as I like to get the negatives out of the way first. I have faith that most of these will be addressed in some way.

-As stated above; there are a few kinks and 'holes' in the system that are mainly typo or layout related. Things like Extra Effort Dice not given a full definition and some information that is dissected in several parts and placed in different chapters. The devs are receiving feedback for this and state that they are working on it.
-GM guidance is somewhat lacking and there are elements, like how to handle treasure distribution, that it feels like GM's are sort of "thrown to the wolves" for.
-Some examples of how certain mechanics function in-play wouldn't go amiss. Even if it was just a "hey you could treat it like this" for the more open-ended systems.

-An absolutely massive amount of character customization. There's roughly 55~ jobs that are all very unique and interesting. On top of your class, your equipment, your feats; you have not 1, not 2, but 3 (or 4 with a sacrifice to your magic item gain) jobs to create your definitive character.
-The design of the book is simply stunning. I cannot wait for the full release to print this off and flip through it.
-Skill games are very unique and interesting twist to handle complex interactions in a gamified way. It encourages roleplay while retaining the depth that the 'G' in RPG deserves.
-The equipment and magic items system is just as comprehensive and customizable as creating a character and the examples they have for them go a long way to get your imagination going.
-The spellcasting system is elegant and allows for all spells to have their place no matter what level the challenges are at.
-Monk and Samurai :prayinghands:
-NPC creation is quick and easy. Along with FF:LE's notable customization tools for them, there is a large gallery of example enemies with much more promised in the full release.

The book simply oozes passion and it's clear that all the designers love Final Fantasy just as much as you or I. I will be using this system to run the campaign of my dreams.
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Man alive, this game is fantastic on an initial read! Work is being done on the typos, and while I do wish there was some clarity on certain things, I’m sure the parts of the book we’re missing will clarify all of it. Looking forward to the full release!
Hello, as someone who is in the Discord server of your game developer/ writer I know a few things about the guy, but as someone who's never tuch a ttrpg or a final fantasy game in her life I'm really liking whut you guys are doing please keep up the good work. From jivaxoverdress.


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