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SAGE 2024 - Demo Exo-9 Battle Goat (SAGE 2024 Demo)


GIF showing off gameplay, such as robots being blown up and jumping across gaps


Combat and platforming is fast yet somewhat strategic in Exo-9 Battle Goat. By default, you're armed with two attacks: A regular blaster that can fire rapidly, and a charged attack that can lock onto enemies to hit trickier angles. Choose between the two wisely, find opportunities and ways to strike that put you in the least danger possible, and progress forward carefully yet decisively.

However, as you progress, you may find yourself with new abilities earned from service capsules, new weapons earned from bosses, and more, aiding you on your journey.

A green capsule is shown on the right, a robot goat in the center

Early in your quest, you'll find an upgrade that lets you move faster, the dash. Using this, you can make larger jumps more easily, avoid enemy attacks, and more! And yet... it's never actually needed. Everything in the game can be finished without ever dashing, so it's up to you to decide if you want to play using it, or ignore it entirely.

GIF demonstrating a dash jump up onto a platform, then dropping down from it and wall jumping back up, to show you can do it without dashing

Additionally, by pausing the game, you'll find that you have a few useful options you can enable, such as rapid fire and auto charge, allowing you to hold fire to attack rapidly and let go of fire to charge, instead of holding fire to charge and rapidly mashing fire to rapidly fire.

A GIF demonstrating a bunch of bullets being rapidly shot from holding the fire button

...but also, is the lock on shot not your speed? In the options menu, you can trade it out for a more traditional charged attack closer to what you're likely used to in other games of this style. It actually does slightly more damage than the lock on shot, at a cost of being far worse at hitting tricky angles.

I recommend using the lock on shot first, but if you don't like it or can't get used to it, well, the option is always there.

A GIF showcasing a different charge shot, which flies forward instead of automatically aiming at enemies


It's time to awaken from your slumber, Guitar...

This does not appear to be the home Guitar remembers.
It's been a long, long time since they were last awake.
They step out from a storage capsule.

Two other capsules adorn the room, as does a diagnostic computer.
After a look at the computer's results, they then step out from the room into the unknown...

As time goes by, Guitar starts to learn things about the world they're in: Humans have long vanished, sentient robots of capabilities beyond your comprehension run the world, and society has but the vaguest resemblance to what it was when you last left things.

They've now done many things, adapted to many different jobs, tried to figure out how to fit in.

Currently, that job is on disaster relief. The weapons systems Guitar was originally built with help with breaking down rubble, opening jammed doors in a pinch, you name it.

Lately, it's even been seeing some combat use, what with the sentience-lacking task-follower robots, meant to perform automated tasks, behaving strangely and needing to be destroyed before they can cause any further damage.

But, after a familiar voice on a strange broadcast, Guitar fears a major disaster is on the horizon...

They cannot let anybody back in that room they woke up in. Guitar knows what's in there. Knows the stakes. There's no time to think, the time to act is now, there isn't even time to explain.

Guitar begs those in charge of their job to let them handle it.
Being a highly trusted member of the disaster relief force at this point, their leaders hear out a quick explanation of why nobody else can know about the specifics, and what's at stake. After this, their leaders all agree: Guitar is the right person for this job.

The trickery... the gall of that monster to try to convince others to open portals to that place... this is not acceptable at all! The claims of riches and treasure, of unspeakable power, Guitar knows it's all a lie. They know what actually lays in wait there for whomever may reach the other side, and it cannot be allowed to happen.

Before taking out the portals, though... there's one detour they need to take:
They need to take out that broadcast making those false claims. Knowing their foe well, they're pretty sure it'll be guarded by defensive robots, but Guitar is nothing if not confident in their combat abilities these days.

And thus, the adventure begins...


Move: WASD (keyboard), D-pad (Xbox controller)
Jump: J (keyboard), A (Xbox controller)
Shoot: K (keyboard), X (Xbox controller)
Dash: Spacebar (keyboard), L (Xbox controller)
Pause: Escape (keyboard), Start button (Xbox controller)

For non-Xbox gamepads, map your controls as desired using something like DS4Windows.


Soundtrack, level design, programming, project lead, etc.:
happygreenfairy, a.k.a. Computing Star


Game made using software such as:
Clickteam Fusion 2.5+

Special thanks:
SquishyPutty, for playing a bunch of games like this in rapid succession so I could get feedback on what people do and don't like in these kinds of games
Some of my other siblings for similar reasons to SquishyPutty
Sunnygush. Your song isn't in the demo, but it'll be in the finished game, so...
ColonelSandwich. The final boss theme, which also isn't in this demo, takes a few cues from a song he made, so, you get to be here too.

Latest reviews

I really like what you're going for so far!
The controls are spot-on. The lock-on is honestly really neat to see in a game like this, combined with the auto-charge and rapid fire settings.
I think the level design itself feels a bit basic so far, some areas feel kind of empty (especially without the dash early on), but I'd pin that on it just being the intro stage. Really curious to see how you handle this stuff later on.
I also kinda dig the vibe going on with the music, it feels very... ominous? Which is a fun contrast while you're playing as a cute goat robot.


This feels like a super solid foundation for a megaman x-like, i think. My main issues are really down to the controls being kinda awkward to my hands(this is probably easily fixed by rebinding in a future build) and the music feeling KINDA discordant.
This feels like a super solid foundation for a megaman x-like, i think. My main issues are really down to the controls being kinda awkward to my hands(this is probably easily fixed by rebinding in a future build) and the music feeling KINDA discordant.
Honestly, the intro stage theme is one I've been a bit back and forth on whether I need to work on it more or not. Opinions on it seem to... vary. It being dissonant is in some capacity intentional, for storytelling-related reasons, but I think this might have overdone it a bit.

The rest of the soundtrack is basically done actually, in some form at least (some of the songs might need more polish...), so I do wonder if it might be worth figuring out a way to put a better foot forward here and using this song for something else and recomposing this one... either that or just redoing the volume balance a bit or something since I think that might be the actual problem here ultimately?

As for the controls... oh gosh the keyboard support in this demo is so last second, the game actually only supported gamepad at first and I knew I had to support keyboard and like, believe me I know that remapping is gonna important, I play games on keyboard a lot. I just need to make a UI for it.

Anyway, I'm actually working on an update to try to tweak a few things here and there! Was hoping to have that done during SAGE actually... but it turns out this week was really busy for me. Whoops. Maybe I'll be able to fix at least the music once that update is out... or, given I won't be able to do the update before SAGE's end anyway, maybe I can fix the lack of remapping next as well while I'm at it...?

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