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SAGE 2024 - Demo TEAM SLAY-BELLS (2024 Demo)


Key art new logo no wm.png


TEAM SLAY-BELLS is about a Reindeer named Charlotte and her friends, who are trying to help their home planet "Kringlaus".

There's a secret treasure known as the "Mega Bell" hidden on the farthest planet in her solar system. Kringlaus is falling apart, and Charlotte read that the fabled "Maga Bell" will help restore the planet with its powerful ringing.

Charlotte's plan is to go around to travel, and explore to find a way to this planet. She will find "Sparkle Carrots" to power her space ship, hopefully making it to her destination. She will need to collect enough bells to get through some areas though! Travel isn't cheap.

however... outside of bells being a currency, Charlotte and her friends also wield a trusty bell collar! these bell collars helps them gather bells to pay for their travels, as well as being used to "slay" dangerous monsters they come across!

Charlotte and friends have a long journey ahead of them! And during their adventure, they will travel, collect, and make even more friends that will help them on their journey to collect the "Mega Bell" !
Charlotte Small.png
TEAM SLAY-BELLS is a 3D platformer inspired by the PAC-MAN WORLD series. TEAM SLAY-BELLS has six+ different planets (with two levels each), and multiple playable characters to unlock, featuring their own unique abilities. TEAM SLAY-BELLS is mainly focused on replay-ability, with many different ways to play a level depending on the character you have selected. There may even be some secret paths designed for a specific character in mind, so it's good to look at your surroundings to see what character can go through those paths!
Vanellope small.png

  • 2 Stages
  • 7 Playable characters
  • Colorful environments
Sophie small.png


Charlotte: A deer-like creature who loves adventure! She's on her quest to find the "Mega-Bell" after reading about how it could possibly help her crumbling planet from fully collapsing. While this is a life or death situation for her, she's very brave to take on any challenge that will come across her (although, she's not taken very seriously by some of the others due to her being a bit clumsy and oblivious to certain things).

Vanellope: Charlotte's twin sister who loves to research about technology and different worlds. While she's the smarter one of the two, she doesn't let that stop her from also having fun on her sister's adventures. Everyone in the town feels a lot better when she tags along on Charlotte's adventures because she knows how to keep her safe most of the time.

Sophie: A wolf-like creature who's always roaming around to find food. She's best friends with Charlotte and loves to adventure with her when she can. Sophie is someone who is curious about the world and loves to go around to see new things that she's never seen before!

Strawbellie: An energetic cat-like creature that loves to spread joy and love wherever she can! While she's a very caring individual, the people of planet Kringlaus have a fictional book called "Space Cats" which is about these evil cat-like creatures (who coincidently have a similar appearance) who hunt down creatures from other planets, which causes the planet's population to be afraid of her at first glance.


John "Scruffy" SuperFreaks: Scruffy from the "Superfreaks" series! Nohbodee is sure how he got here, but at the same time... he's good at keeping the floors clean! He sweeps them well! (he also met the next character before! but that story is for another time...)

Nadine: Nadine from "Prototype: N" ended up on this adventure after looking for her creator. While that is still her main task, another adventure on the side never hurt anyone! (especially when this one doesn't involve a giant pumpkin-headed magician sending you to a new world).

Ellie: Ellie from the hit game "Tacti-Cat" was passing by and decided it could be fun to check out some of these planets! Luckily she won't be dealing with any evil wizards (or the cheese mafia) this time around!



Added an updated build of the demo adding a new playable character named "Strawbellie"


Miles' Games: Programing, Modeling, Music, Texture work

SuperFreaksDev: Creator of Scruffy and SuperFreaks

philRaco: SuperFreaks 1 Ultimate Edition composer

Arrietty: Creator of Nadine and Prototype N

Null3D: Creator of Ellie and Tacti-Cat

Latest reviews

This was a very cute and fun experience.

Love the character designs :3
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Reactions: Miles_Games
I love the aesthetics and the gameplay is very fun, it reminds me of pac-man kinda with going around and collecting a lot of stuff.
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Reactions: Miles_Games
Thank you I'm glad you enjoyed it!! (Pac-Man World 2 and Pac N' Roll were the main inspirations actually ^^)
Gorgeous Game, with a fantastic dev to boot! Played this multiple times and found the characters and exploration to be charming! A very cozy experience, it gets five stars for effort alone! <3 Play this Game!!
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Reactions: Miles_Games
Thank you!! I'm really glad you enjoyed it ^^


Something I forgot to mention is how much I love the way every character has at least a little custom dialog from the NPC's, even the silly guests like Scruffy. That's dedication!
I really needed something with winter vibes to take my mind off of the summer weather that I've been dealing with for the past few days, and this game delivers. Not only that, but the overall vibes are also extremely cute and I genuinely want to learn more about why the "Mega Bell" is so important and how it ties together with the rest of the story. The characters are adorable too, and I actively found myself playing the levels as multiple characters to see how much their stories played out differently.

As for controls, it felt great for the most part! The movement is super responsive for precision, and I never felt like I was moving too slowly either. The flutter is a little weird sometimes, mainly because it's based on your vertical momentum at the time of starting the move. It's definitely something I can get used to, although it made me a little less confident whenever I jumped between platforms. The camera can also be a bit uncooperative sometimes, but cameras in 3D platformers are always hard to get working properly so I can't fault you for that.

Overall, really fun game! Can't wait to see what's next for Team Slay-Bells!
I really needed something with winter vibes to take my mind off of the summer weather that I've been dealing with for the past few days, and this game delivers. Not only that, but the overall vibes are also extremely cute and I genuinely want to learn more about why the "Mega Bell" is so important and how it ties together with the rest of the story. The characters are adorable too, and I actively found myself playing the levels as multiple characters to see how much their stories played out differently.

As for controls, it felt great for the most part! The movement is super responsive for precision, and I never felt like I was moving too slowly either. The flutter is a little weird sometimes, mainly because it's based on your vertical momentum at the time of starting the move. It's definitely something I can get used to, although it made me a little less confident whenever I jumped between platforms. The camera can also be a bit uncooperative sometimes, but cameras in 3D platformers are always hard to get working properly so I can't fault you for that.

Overall, really fun game! Can't wait to see what's next for Team Slay-Bells!
Thank you! ^^ I'm really glad you enjoyed it, and thank you for your feedback!!
<3 Lots of thoughts so likely place them here suppose.
Great time & would be happy even with only minimal touch ups.

Heres some of my quick written thoughts over my binge through every character, update & the charcter:
(Note for other readers that the sound issue is very much a werid thing on my side most likely.)

Center camera button? (towards charcter facing)

question of analog?
Jump height? (When I mean this I mean this in terms of hold jump to jump higher, so small taps do small jumps), design choice likely but I like the feel of such)
Fluttering from small jumps? (Fluttering from falling stopping vertical speed notably?{For downwards momentum only Upwards is awesome}) (Im thinking lots yoshi's island, since I like the flutter a lot there) {Though likely just one flutter per air time this game XD}
Regrab ring to stop it in place rather than just holding it after a full press throw? ( i can understand keeping flutter to near or via max jump for general difficulty though)
(Less so but maybe within range of throw holding button amount of time meets its max range rather than just it
This is more design heavy though & likely would perfer without but thought I should mention the thought)
(Throwing a ring out to stop it some when it comes backs lines up with something to grab sounds like a fun speedy puzzles

The movement is a bit just hold foward which isnt bad but I feel I should be able to do something of small bursts of speed?

The diffrent jump are very cute
Game is beautiful
I adore the characters & world.
Collectables are fitting & intrigue me
Platforming for what there

Would be fun to jiggle the trees some even if they arnt tangible.

shadow circle is nice for visibility but would like it to be a bit slightly shaded in center or maybe a small pattern?
(More a nitpik then anything here)

Sound effects & music I ad to think about to notice some. They are great.
When its so good it not intrusive or off feeling its a strong position already :3

Snow effect is lovely
Ice effect is pretty nice too.
(not sure as much on the salagmite ice but works ok?) (Didnt expect to take damage on them till touching them
they feel too tall maybe?)

glad the flutter up from trampolines works by retapping near the top rather than just holding.

Dingo doll is such a great inclusing :3
(I enjoy the coyote time & flutter from the blob drops :3
Excited to see them more :3

Its odd but great that you can see charcters mouths move through your model as well how the
model is represented behind objects. works quite well :3

Option desires:
Inverted X (& Y for others)for camera
Mario64 habbits Xd

Be able to turn the camera down more? (I can understand limiting up but down less so)
(Maybe if your looking down enough Your character also looks down a bit? ) ? (particuallarly for the ice blocks in water respawn point of stage 2)

Sofie's Animations are so cute :3

Result screen with some indicator of level you just did would be nice
Other wise amazing look & feel. :3

2d to 3d conversion is great. (reminds me of klonoa but more impresive looking & feeling. :3
Invisible walls stop me so much from yeeting for secrets XD

maybe some bells only* or were more only can be hit with ring?

in the diagonal 3d part of the 2d section chracter should probably face down the diagonal instead of still left & right?
directly off that section is a trampoline which you jump off, offcenter looking, seems a little misplaced.
(Also maybe controls work to digaonals rather than horizontally? (Or move the camera to indicate?
Controls being relative to camera feels correct)
{except in transition of camera maybe? idk, too use to 2d for those thoughts,
usually stick to camera relative inputs my first thought}
(I can understand it can be very confusing to change to diagonal but I also the feel the transition to diagonal
is hard to read the start of. (Klonoa just kept the camera correct to input relation the whole time,
not sure what would be best for these sections of yours? Maybe a floor indicator, sounds messy, unsure

Icicle Seals are awesome, that was inherent good to me since seeing them, they are cute & look threatening :3


Flutter from big trampoline feels awesome.

candiecane is cool
ice spikes seems still odd, not sure what to do with them in the style visually to convey more they're threat.

Camera reset on falling out? (respawn?)

Voice sounds are fun & intresting :3
So far I like the text box pretty well. Feels like it missing 1 detail but not sure what. otherwise good )
I love how chracters text speed varies Quite joyous to see :3

Planets been crumbling ominous is great XD

Other than my menu bug (the sound) menus & credits are generally great! (I also had the sound in the credits XD)

These are my thoughts after my first play through of the demo with
19:10, 11:04, stage times
2, 3 deaths
All bells grabbed.
Only through with Charlotte so far for comments above^^

enemy alert ness details are nice

did notice earlier but really curious about that toy store
Diffrent dialog per chacter is cool touch, also lot of replays for details :3
(makes me want slights faster shenanigans of movement to do those quicker but still neat.)
Movement already can be a touch snazzy though will say with enemy jumps & some corner cuts

invisible wall on top of house in stage 2 seems a bit odd if you wanna drop down for the collectables further down the spot?
feels less prevention& slighty more in way of intentions (intent being getting the collect you were shown as you went up)

trigger camera option is nice ( also nice that they use the analog triggers :3)

Sophie make me feel like the ring should have slightly more verticality to acount for the dip of bridges
I feel sophie is a quite a nice mix up of gameplay to change how fast the speed & strateies can be.

sophie's bounce on the blobs feels odd that you can lose the DJ over the coyoted jump
I can understand not want the timing there (since losing the DJ in genral could be a bad feeling) {If saving it was a thing timing wise}

margret being extra rude to sophie makes me feel sad.
cute that flutter is tied to deer & sophie has the DJ :3

everything is edible XD
Glad unique pop off animation for sophie :3

(falling animation can be a little still sometimes, feels like it could have a little leg wobble? idk)
(Particularly after a long fall)

everyone uses same health bar does just seem like a time sink understable to wait on it (Not sure why I am commenting on it.)

Toss aniamtions are cute :3
Sophie's slide / body roll aniamtion is humourous XD

I like each candy cane outfit change (sophie's made me think of this)

Marget against super freak makes me happy :3

analog walk to run being so dynamic aniamtions is awesome (its not just a slowed run!)

Scruffy :3 Learned the name acutally now

person scared of trapolines not there as scruffy?

scruffy's story with N's going way off the textbox & still hearing it go got me good. Great bit :3

the fact the camera falls through the snow in the cinnamon roll vertical pole area is a bit odd, thought it would arial cam like Dark souls.

Npc's removed I assume due to repeat dialog

not sure how disk / ring throwing is in the diagonal sections?


Tacticat is a tastefully wonky & OP fun time for sage.

Overall great time, I played through with every chracter
Charlotte Vannelope & Sophie are the strongest design wise feeling which makes sense.
I feel vannelope & charlotte could have slightly more (or 1 more) diffentiatating
but more likely I havnt played enough to correctly acesss

Wait can you play as Strawbellie?
I didnt see them on the chracter select?

(all this played on old version) Whoops (Not use to sages's pages yet)
sound issues still exist for me where they were.

playing Stawbellie now, they are quite fun
Margret is someone yep. XD

Stawbilles flutter for tiny bit of useful height is so cool :3

Camera a little bit better in updated :3

Holding flutter till hitting another trampoline to have flutter state boosted trampoline is cool

Stawbillies likely my favorite of the bunch :3
Then Sophie, Charlotte, vannelope & then the guests. :3
(guests would be Ellie, Nadaline, Scruffy)

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