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SAGE 2024 - Demo Dungeon Gals


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Delve deep into mysterious ruins in this action/adventure game, inspired by handheld classics such as Wario Land 3 and Zelda!


IMPORTANT! I have released a v1.1 - this is a hotfix for a bug that can happen if you die during a boss fight. If you experience this bug during your play through, I have likely already addressed it!
Be sure to download the file named "Dungeon_Gals_Sage_2024_demo_v1_1" so you can get the most up-to-date version! (You can also tell because the filesize is much smaller, due to the music files being handled in a more optimized way.)


High above the surface of the earth floats a skyborne town, sustained by three holy temples. In the days of old, this town was protected by an immortal spirit.

However, the spirit has disappeared, and evil spirits have flooded the shrines and polluted them. Faced with the danger of his town and the surrounding temples crashing into the earth, the mayor of the town has called upon a task force comprised of three capable (and somewhat air-headed) gals to clean out the evil spirits from the temples and save the day!

This demo features TWO levels from the game's first major area, the Sky Mausoleum.



Wendy (she/her)

Age: 28
Height: 5'7

A goat girl who can use a magical amulet to zap all sorts of things, including enemies and switches!


Izzy (She/Her)

Age: 29
Height: 7'00

A cow girl who specializes in using brute force. She can destroy walls, ram into enemies, and help you get into all sorts of hidden areas.


Rosa (It/Its)

Age: 31
Height: 4'10

A small moth girl who is skilled with swordplay and flight. It can use its wings to reach high areas and blow deadly gusts of wind. It can also repel enemy projectiles with it's sword!


Dungeon Gals is a 2d action/adventure platformer with an emphasis on exploration and puzzlesolving. Each area will require you to utilize each character's special abilities in order to uncover paths forward and discover lost treasures. Only one character can be in play at a time, though you can switch which character you play as at special altars. It's up to you to experiment with each character to discover their strengths, weaknesses, ways they interact with the environment, and how they can help forge paths for each other to progress.


Design, music, graphics:

DoricDream, Mog

Quality check:

Latest reviews

Amazing demo. The few levels the demo provided has really good puzzles that eases the player into the gameplay in a way that eases away the pressure and helps the player understanding each character's strength and weaknesses pretty well. The tutorial is short and easy to understand too, so it always feels perfectly paced. Can't wait for the full game.

Rosa is the best.
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Reactions: DoricDream
Thank you!!! And yea rosa RULES
I have played this demo for around 30 minutes, and I gotta say this is a really cool game!

The gameplay works very well, the levels are well-built and you don't spend hours stuck on a puzzle. The three-character dynamic is interesting, as each character brings something different to the table. Finally, the graphics are very nice, they have a nice cute style that works fantastically in this small screen size! The fact stages also have a lot of hidden gems will probably make for a nice replay value.

On the downpoint, I would put Rosa's sword reach which is rather small and I ended up colliding with enemies I was striking more than once. I feel that range is quite hard to read, but that might just be me?
I'm also not a fan of how Wendy sticks to the ground underwater. I understand it is to make a difference between her and Izzy, but it feels strange that a character that can swim cannot move once she touches the ground...
As for the graphics, I truly enjoy most of it except the font that I feel is a bit hard to read (probably due to the dithering) and the boss' sprite in the water/ice stage (second stage of the demo), which style clashes severly with the rest of the game screen. Is this sprite final?

Other than that, the rest is quite franckly really good and I can't wait to see the final game! Congrats!
Thank you for the review! I have gotten some feedback about the readability of the text, so that is something I will for sure address!

I will also consider changing Wendy's underwater behavior, so as to find a happy medium for that.

The boss graphics are final. The prerendered look is meant as a tribute to the GBA era, with a lot of (specifically western) games abusing prerendering to a charming degree, hahaha. Other assets like that can be found in the pause menu as well as strewn about the game's stages, but the full game will do a much better job of integrating the aesthetic and making it more consistent! Thank you for the artistic feedback, however! I will definitely keep consistency in mind moving forward.

Thank you so much for playing! I'm glad you enjoyed it <3
By far one of the cutest games I've had the pleasure of playing today, the characters are cute, the puzzles are clever and the presentation really stands out! Love me some Character tag-team gameplay! Amazing work, I'll be watching this project fondly!
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Reactions: DoricDream


Holy heck this is one of the most mirror-polished I've ever played. Everything's so clean and stylish.

The soundtrack is impressive, too. It's one of those genuinely rare things where there's nothing like it.
Lesbian Lost Vikings! With all the marching back and forth from morph points, I think the movement speed could be upped a bit, but everything else feels right. Oh, and rebindable controls of course.

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