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SAGE 2024 - Demo Busters Big Score!


You are legendary(-ish) thief Buster Speedway! Pull off heists in this fast-paced 2D platformer. Smoothly combine your acrobatic abilities and novelty gadgets to sneak past guards, and steal your score! Featuring cartoon pixel art and a jazz soundtrack

Hi I'm Kevyn I've been working on this prototype for the last month to test out ideas I had for fun sneaky and acrobatic moves. I was a big fan of the Sly Cooper games as a kid so I'm looking to create some new cartoon stealth action!

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CONTROLLER :emoji_video_game:

Move Left/Right
Right Trigger
Dash/Run (Hold) - While running you can climb up walls
Left Trigger
Crouch / Sneak

KEYBOARD :emoji_keyboard:

Move Left/Right
Dash/Run (Hold) - While running you can climb up walls
Crouch/ Sneak
Slide +
While sliding to Long Jump

Here's a handy diagram of Buster's moves! Study it well!

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Demo Version 2
  • Added some indicators to encourage Dashing into the billboard, hiding in trashcans/lockers and sliding into airvents.
  • Added some more decorations to the second half of the level, fixed some visual bugs

Latest reviews

Very fun demo. I'll echo what other people have said: Joystick deadzones are a little funky, when I crouch or hold up I'm also moving forward. I think hiding spots are a bit superfluous as far as I can tell, most people will just wanna GO. I think it'd be cool if you add collectibles in those hiding spots which would make it worth it to interact with that whole thing.

Movement feels great, I love the air dash and the wall run. The wall run across the billboard feels very odd though, I could never find a good angle for that one and it moves way quicker than anything else. I didn't see a use for the backflip yet, but it's cool for style points.

Yeah, it was good fun.
This project has an incredible amount of potential!! I spent like an hour replaying this one level and eventually got 48.35s while getting all $41. Besides the general unfinished nature of the demo, the only thing I don’t like is the hiding spots, they feel a little unnecessary with how fast paced the game is. It could be interesting if they could also be used as alternate forms of movement, i.e. having Buster roll around with the trash can and remaining undetected (at the expense of the players control) or something like that. Looking forward to seeing more about this project!!
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Reactions: KevynStott
this game absolutely rules so far! buster feels incredible to control, partly because the animations are so high quality already, and partly because of the clever use of subtle sprite rotation to give it an almost squash-and-stretchy, classic animation feel. it's stylish, fluid, and fun!

the only critical feedback i can really think of to give is that the game could use a larger joystick deadzone, and the wallrunning obstacles (like the highway sign) could use some sort of symbol (arrows? pawprints?) to help convey that that's what that object does. can't wait to see more of this!
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Reactions: KevynStott
Oops I accidentally left my review as a reply to this comment whoops


I really loved this game, It’s a solid game with great mechanics like sliding, dashing, and climbing all feel really fun and responsive. The art style is fantastic, it's charming!

The feedback I’d suggest is tweaking the sound design a bit. At times, the music seemed to overpower the sound effects. Also, a little more visual feedback on the hiding spots could make those elements stand out even more.

Overall, it’s an amazing game, and I can’t wait to see its progress!
really great stuff overall - while the art style is lovely, i do think that it's hard to tell buster apart from the background quite a lot of the time - maybe give him a different color palette or desaturate the backgrounds more, idk.

also, the sound design could definitely be improved but it's a testament to the controls that buster still feels great to move around even without satisfying sounds. there was also a glitch where i quickly hid in and then exited one of the lockers and the black-screen overlay didn't disappear until i found another hiding spot lmao

would love to see this become a full game!
Just a month to do this? Impressive!
The general idea is terrific, and I really love the visuals (the animations are top notch!). As others pointed out, it could do with more sound, but I am sure this is already planned down the line!

The only thing I didn't get is how to hide in stuff, but thinking back to it it's probably by using Up or Down on the specific objects?
Can't wait to see what this will become in a larger scale, congrats!

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4.75 star(s) 4 ratings


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