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SAGE 2024 - Demo SUPER NOVA - SAGE 2024 DEMO


In a far away galaxy, known only to those with knowledge and joy, the NEXT-LEVEL line of planets coexists in peace. The main planet of this long line of spheres, called SATURNARA, is a place of entertaiment and the celebration of life. But things sometimes BREAK beyond recognition, FALLEN ANGELS hate the peace they weren't allowed, and thus, their one wish is to take control over the planet's very essence, it's SOUL. But that's all fairytales and legends, isn't it? Besides I'm Nova! No one's gonna get through me as long as I'm here!


Welcome to SUPER NOVA! A 2D fast-paced platformer with emphasis on keeping your speed, quick combat, and bosses that will keep you on your toes to beat 'em up! In this demo especifically, you take control of Nova! She's a short gal with quite the childish attitude, but don't let your eyes lie to ya, she's got a girlfriend and all!

Nova controls rather simply, she can move with the arrow keys, and while on the ground she can quickly change direction with a backflip, and ontop of that, while on the air, she has a double jump and two directional moves: one upwards and one downwards! The upwards and downwards moves can be used for quick movement or for combat (they're most useful in combat really).

This demo also features a tutorial and a full length level! The tutorial will teach you the basics needed to beat the demo, while the level itself will test you on your memory and fast reaction times to see if you can quickly move through the land of SATURNARA! Otherwise, dangers lurk somewhere in the planet, will you be ready to fight the DANGER FROM OUT OF THIS WORLD?



Orca: Code, Visuals, creator of all the designs seen in the Demo and main person behind the project as a whole.
Nina: Voice of Nova, additional audio design, and also feedback (and also my awesome GF)
Ollepac: Audio Design, feedback, help with concept art and Nova expressions.
Daan Demmers, MarStarBro, smileysqueak, cartridj: Music, Audio Design and Feedback.
Nate Candles: Helped with Audio Design on Nova's high pitched voice lines.
Summitsphere Discord, Syrups Waffles, Brochacho, BeePunz, ClapRose, Trapteam: Feedback and Emotional Support.
And YOU, for showing any kind of interest on this project and keeping me going to get this far!

Latest reviews

The visuals of this game are stunning; the late 90s, early 2000s web core aesthetic is right up my alley and the music was amazing too! Gameplay wise, a bit confusing at first due to me not understanding the tutorial doodles but after I got the hang of things it was super fun! Fast, snappy and brought me back to playing flash games when I was a kid. Nova herself is super cute, and I love her animations; she’s so expressive and goofy, but then the end of the boss fight was so cool! Speaking of, the boss was simple but fun and had a really good feeling of being an actual battle!

In terms of improvements, some enemies tended to blend into the backgrounds, and I would have much preferred to use a controller as my hands started to cramp up using my keyboard. I did encounter a bug where I fell through the floor while grappling the boss in its second phase; I think we bounced into a wall and phased through it, but I was able to beat it the second time round. Otherwise, amazing game dude! I’m looking forward to seeing how this game progresses!
I was already hooked on the artstyle alone, playing the demo itself blew me away.
easily the best game of SAGE 2024. this has the potential to be one of the greatest platformers ever made. pure genius.


I really like the visuals on this one, great main character too. Wasn't aware of this game's existence before SAGE started either, was a pleasant surprise

I hope this one ends up going places

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