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SAGE 2024 - Demo Sonic Rush 3D (Sage 2024 Demo)


Welcome to Sonic Rush 3D!
The unofficial 3D fan re-imagining of Sonic Rush!


Demo Contents:
- One FULL Act of Leaf Storm! (About half is playable for you, SAGE crew.)
- Playable Sonic the Hedgehog
- Water Palace is unfortunately unplayable due to the massive changes made to the framework.

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(Xbox, PS, Switch Pro Controller and Keyboard are all supported forms of input)
Left Stick - Move
Right Stick - Camera Control
A - Jump/Airdash/Homing Attack
X - Boost/Airboost
B - Crouch/Slide
Y - Trick/Grind Trick/Lightspeed Dash
RB/LB - Trick Finish/Switch Rails/Quickstep
LT - Drift/Double Jump (While Tricking)
RT - Drift/Humming Top (While Tricking)


Play in DS Mode!

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LukeStation (Lead Level Design)
Schollidazed (Lead 3D Artist)
Temzy (Lead UI and Audio)




Diddy Konk,

Latest reviews

Honestly, what can I say that hasn't been said before. Great game, that perfectly replicates the original Rush's incredibly fast gameplay, with a few additions from the 3D Boost games that fit like a ring with it. The level design is mostly incredible, and the alternate pathways all feel neat. But I'm sure you've read all these and more, rightfully earned, praises in practically every other comment, so I'd like to list my gripes with it instead.

  • Pressing A too fast on the options menu causes you not to be able to see the sub-menu. Easily fixable by just pressing B, though.
  • Holding a direction at the start of the level causes Sonic not to move. Let go and he's freed, but still messes with some level restarts.
  • There's certain parts where doing a Forward Trick a bit late will make Sonic aim it to the side, sometimes ruining your shortcut, or killing you.
  • Homing Attacking Something while Air Boosting may get you stuck as Ball Form, without being able to jump.
  • Some 2D Springs don't have Homing Markers, nor can they be Homing Attacked.
  • The Trick Spring after the 2D Waterfall section doesn't allow you to do a Forward or Upward Trick if you start tricking.
  • On the 3D platforming section above the waterfall, after bouncing from the spring before the vine, if you Light Speed Dash the 3 rings near it, you'll be stuck forever.
  • Some checkpoints spawn you looking at the wrong side.
  • The first Egg Ball doesn't actually hurt you.
  • No stage intro, but an automated 2-sec look at a bush while Sonic moves to the first trick section, which you wouldn't notice at first since it lasts a sec and the camera doesn't let you look at the trick shines. I'm sure the stage intro will be present in future versions, but I think the camera being changed into a regular behind-the-back one until the part where it shows Sonic's different sides would be wonderful.
  • Rail tricks don't give points, nor do they have a finisher, unlike 2D Rush.
  • You get way too many rings despite them not really having any use, since you lose all of them on hit, and they don't affect your speed.
  • All 3D sections in the latter half have bottomless pits, so making a mistake in the air is a guaranteed death.
  • It's way too hard to grab that one Rainbow Ring near the flapper, specially when not doing it after a respawn, since the camera's further away, and the Ring is on an 45° angle after Homing Attacking the Flapper.
  • I don't think the slide works really well. Maybe it could be like B makes you curl and pressing it again can uncurl you. That'd even make more sense with the original Rush, since Colors DS is the only one with the slide.
  • There's no score decrease when tricking in the same spring.
  • Rather than the amount of tricks, maybe the Trick counter could show how many points it'll be adding, like in the original.
  • Reduce the amount of rings, and make them increase your speed, kinda like in Advance 2. That'd give more use to them.
  • Replace the Tension box on the quick-step section with a Speed or Ring one. I don't think it makes much sense to give away Tension right before a cutscene and a long trick section.
  • Maybe the part with the first Egg Ball could lead to another mini-cutscene with the vine launcher.
  • I think it should be more difficult to get S Rank. I had to purposefully avoid tricking just to get an A rank.
  • Maybe you could add the Bounce when holding Stomp, or when using it during a Trick, like in the Advance games. Could help make platforming faster.
  • Some of the 2D springs could work as bounce poles.
  • Add an Egg Rank animation for the results screen to go along with the funny fail music.
  • Maybe add Red Star Rings to make other routes more valuable.
  • I think it'd be for the best if the Homing Markers were bigger.
And that's about it. Don't take it the wrong way, I think this game is awesome, but could use some ironing to truly make it a 5/5. Looking forward to the next version!
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Reactions: Pyra's Wolf
wow. the first demo of this game was pretty good, but this is stellar. everything here works so well, it's a near perfect translation of the rush philosophy into 3D.

--- Controls ---
where do i even begin? the boost works wonderfully, no bones about it. every base level move like the homing attack and drifting work very well, the drifting could use a bit of tightening up, but it still felt good.

bringing the trick system from the advance games into this game was a genius decision, it makes the game flow way better and gives way to a ton of alternate routes that are nothing short of fun to explore.

--- Graphics ---
i am a sucker for the DS-PS2 low poly environments, and this game nails the style of rush's bitcrushed visuals with low-poly assets. it feels like it was ripped straight from a DS game and given that extra dimension.

the mid-level cutscenes and spectacle are incredible touches, it gives the stage way more personality and makes it far more memorable in my opinion. sonic's model is also very good i love that little guy so much

--- Difficulty ---
as expected, the first stage in the game wasn't all that difficult. perfect difficulty for a tutorial level though. and the best part, no hallmarks of a dimps-constructed game like bottomless pits that you would never see coming or an obscene amount of instant-death crushers. the stage is given difficulty by your skill level alone, and i love it.

however, i feel like the S rank maybe be a bit too easy. i got it on my second run, straight after an Egg Rank. (no clue if that's actually what it's called.

--- Conclusion ---
overall, amazing demo. it managed to give me back the wonder that the original rush gave me back when i was a kid, amazing work from everyone. i'm super excited to see where this project goes.
I absolutely need this game to happen, that’s how amazing the first level is, there’s only 1 level and I’ve been playing non stop, steam says I’ve logged over 10 hours on this game, if really feels amazing, the level design, the speed, the tricking system, and different options. The only I wish is that I had more of it, if there is anything I can do to help get this game produced faster I will, that’s how much I want this to happen 😂
Also I know it’s extremely difficult to make these games, it looks simple but it’s a lot of work, so I don’t want you or your team if you have one to feel rushed, ontop of all the work you have to put into this game, you also have a life outside of it and there’s been too many people who have gotten overwhelmed with their projects and just had to stop, I would hate to see that happen to you, keep up the amazing work, we’re all loving it


I can't get my controller to work no matter what I do, and I can't figure out how to get it to work.
It's slow for me, I guess my small 2015 processor doesn't support it. Playing with a resolution of 800x600, it goes like 10 fps.
Would it be possible to implement some sort of Frontiers/Shadow Gens control setting? I know you can remap the buttons, but there are still some limitations, like how the jump and homing attack are forced on the same button, and the drift seems to always be on RT no matter how you remap things.
This is awesome! It's even greater than before, all of the new details don't miss. Can't wait for Blaze
Some bugs I ran into while playing:

A. My "Time Bonus" from beating the level in 3:22 was 50,000 points fewer from my "Time Bonus from beating the level in 3:25 and 3:29
I beat the level faster, so why is my Time Bonus so much smaller? (85,000 is 50,000 more points than 35,000)
- 3:29
- 3:22
- 3:25

B. I kinda stomped and homing attacked a box and got stuck in the ball state... I guess?
Unfortunately, I can't play the game since the game runs at most 5FPS. I originally thought it was because my laptop is crappy and old as hell but from what I can tell it's from performance issues with the game thankfully enough as not only can I run stuff like Sonic World DX, Rolling Rascal, Spark the Electric Jester 2 and Sonic Rush 3D SAGE 2021 just fine but I've seen other comments replying they receive performance issues whether it be with the whole of the game or specific issues. Nonetheless I've watched people's playthrough's of the game and it honestly looks stunning and incredible. I can't wait to play it if the issues do get fixed!
Found 2 more bugs

C. Going backwards into a red ring that leads to a rail will get you stuck on the rail, forcing a restart.

D. Collision seems to not be solid in a specific area.
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if feels even better now and more authentic to Rush than in the previous build.
I love it! cant wait to see how far you take it!
This is SO cool dude. I think less foliage would do a lot to improve both gameplay and performance though. The ramp hidden behind the bush at the start of the stage is great, but stuff like the branch that hangs down and blocks your Humming Top at the mid-air Humming Top tutorial is... not epic
This is looking nice! I have very few complaints with this game. The graphics are looking awesome and gameplay feels great! It does however have a few bugs, but that is to be expected, I also think that the stage drags just a little bit too long, but maybe after some getting used to, I'll be able to blast through it. Hope that you expand upon this game, because the current state of this project is very promising!
This game is what sega has never been able to achieve, nostalgia from a game that deserves a 3d remaster but will never get it officially, you have done a simply amazing job and I can only HOPE that you continue this project, this is STUNNING, the controls and animations are fluid and this took me back to 2009 when I got sonic rush for the very first time
I've been trying to get this to work but the game just won't run for me. Like it just won't open, no open in background, nothing shown in Task Manager, open as Administrator doesn't work, Nothing works. Could I get some help please?
Edit: Just checked it with the 2021 Demo and that doesn't work either...

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4.07 star(s) 29 ratings


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