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SAGE 2024 - Demo Lylia's Deadline: Clearance (SAGE 2024 DEMO)


Lylia's Deadline: Clearance

Sequel to the original Lylia's Deadline.
Featuring high speed 2.5D Gameplay, Low-poly 3D Graphics, Rocking music, and more Heat-based combat mechanics.

Demo includes one Main Stage and two Training Stages.



Get Ready for some Action!



D-Pad/Stick: Movement
A: Jump
X: Attack/Shoot
Y: Heavy Attack
B: Dash
LB: Shield
RB: Switch Weapon


Arrow Keys: Movement
Enter: Start
Z: Jump
X: Attack/Shoot
C: Heavy Attack
A: Dash
S: Shield
W: Switch Weapon

Special moves:

Spin: Jump while sliding
Double Heavy attack: Double tap Y
Spin Hold: Hold B while Spinning

Performance Notes:
If you experience low framerate while ingame, try disabling Scanlines in options.
You can also disable some additional effects by pressing START and Y at the options menu, a sound will play when it's enabled.




Game made my Marw

Latest reviews

Stylistically, the game looks really cool and the music is superb. I wasn’t expecting this to be a run and gun game, but I was pleasantly surprised! I played through the game three times, once with the gun exclusively and once with the sword; initially I felt the sword was underpowered, but after getting into a loop of using a heavy attack to stun and then using light attacks it felt fine and possibly more fun than the gun.

However, I felt as though the character was slow, heavy and stiff to control. From the trailer alone I was expecting Lylia to be faster, or more so feel faster. I feel like tutorials could be done a bit better too, particularly the pop-ups as it would have been nice to know about the shield towards the beginning of the stage. Also, I mentioned I played the game three times but only talked about two. That’s because the third time I played was to test out the jumping saw move that I didn’t know existed until I looks at some other comments. I would also suggest maybe allowing us to aim the gun, especially in the air.

So overall, I do think the game is promising, but improvements could be made to the game feel and tutorials. Either way, I looking forward to seeing how this game progresses!
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This is a really good sonic-mega man hybrid. The character design is appealing. The low poly 3d and the pixelated effect looks great!

For criticisms I'd explain the heat mechanic better, and also have checkpoints in each tutorial stage.
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Reactions: Marw
Woah dude da lylia is in 3D!
The aesthetics are interesting, the choice of colors and the usage 2.5d makes a unique art style.
The red character and the white/blue-ish everything else really makes the player feel distinct.
The 3d models are so rough(the funky kind) that it makes you feel the computer-like ~~vibe~~.

The player has solid movement options, and freedom of arsenal choice.

We have the ranged (Megah maan)
A dance of shoots and shields make ranged combat stick out from other ranged combat games.

melee (Zeero)
It is cool that the heavier attack can stun enemies, making the melee combat more strategic.

and the most interesting,
The funny chainsaw move™ can tear through enemies, and deflect any projectiles and grants immunity to spikes, and stomp and bounce to jump even higher.
This move makes combat and movement more special, but it maaaaybeee is a bit overpowered.

The game would benefit if the level is designed around certain movement (Ranged section, Melee section, Ball™ section)
Ball too op plz nerf by adding stage gimmick or enemies that can counter it
Also the tutorial could teach about the chainsaw move and other things. maybe add an advanced tutorial level?

This is a very unique combat platformer and has a lot of potential, I look forward to it.
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adore the art style and music, and you nailed the megaman feel. the only complaint that i have is that lylia's damage output feels just a little too low, and the melee weapon feels very unsatisfying compared to megaman zero. other than that it's stellar, and i look forward to playing a full release someday
just absolutely killer aesthetic, soundtrack, ui design, and game feel. debated on whether to even leave a comment because i don't really have any suggestions for what could be improved. really exciting game!

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