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SAGE 2024 - Demo Dream Enkoure



Enkoure had a dream.

Enkoure dreamed of reaching for the moon.

"If you really wish for it, " - grampa replied - "then to the highest place you must go".

A journey of many travels, to the hidden face of the moon.

In Dream Enkoure, you play as Enkoure, a Happy-go-lucky girl living in a wooden house in the mountains.

Enkoure can Jump, Slide, and use special abilities to traverse wide, far, and high!

This is no metroidvania - the entire moveset is available right from the get-go!

Default Controls:
Arrow keys:
Left Right Up Down
Z: Jump
X: Attack
Enter: Pause Menu
Direction + Attack: Special Move

That's right. The game is designed to be playable on nothing more complicated than the NES controller.
Actual controller support is minimal, please refer to the options menu for keybindings.

Demo Contents:
The tutorial (ACT 0) and the entirety of Act 1 are playable!
Level layout is intrincate and winding, so a playthrough of Act 1 can take anywhere from 5 minutes to 15 on a first playthrough.

The nerd talk:
Hello! I'm Spanish Vanguard! Dream Enkoure is my second game and I'm developing it all on my own to get used to code!
Graphics, behaviors, and music!
I only started pushing updates on itchio earlier this year, but I've been working on it for a year and a half!

Even thought I decided togo for a more traditional platformer, I'm designing the levels with a dual philosophy of
supporting speedrunning and more relaxed playstyles.

The completion of Act 1 marks a point of no return for the refinement of some aspects of the game, so please,
do not hold back any feedback or criticism you might have!
Thank you very much in advance!

act0a.png act0b.png act0c.png act1a.png act1c.png act1b.png project page



Known Issues:

Master Volume slider does not work properly and gets overrided.
Water physics are wonky and have a tendency to stack.
A non replicable issue is causing a crash upon level transition.

Bug fixes :

(07 19 2024)
A softlock situation where a player with water element could not recover from falling into the final pool of water on the moving logs section.
An additional softlock in the same place caused by ramming the player into the wall has been prevented by removing the goblin ship. Requires proper consideration.
A softlock upon respawning after dying on route b has been prevented by adding a staircase and moving the checkpointer a little further away.

(07 22 2024)
Fixed a wrongwarp in the tutorial leading to a softlock.

(09 11 2024)
Adjusted parallax for tutorial zone

Adjusted troublesome bumper that caused a softlock when transitioning screens in the tutorial.

Updated Rogue function to set a parent by default instead of having no parent set if no parent was set manually.

Fixed a translation error that prevented the correct flag from being shown in the options menu. System language detection i still disabled and set to "en" by default to stay in line with Sage guidelines.

Multiple balance changes to the start of Act 1:
·Decoupled rebounder with tanktoise movement at starter waterfall. (Had enough of a laugh)
·Spotted a clipping issue when sliding very tightly off a corner. Increased the bias of the antislide cheater.
·Added a water powerup early in the lower water section.
·Added extra platforms on the following section (the one where youre supossed to ride a turtle to reach the other side).
·Slightly moved the floatsam from the same section to act as an additional foothold.
·This floatsam has been removed.
·Moved the water powerup to the lower area.
·Replaced several turtles with stationary platforms.
·Modified the terrain in answer to the changes in the puzzle in this room.

Act1_000_02b: Slightly modified the respawn room in an attempt to redirect the player to respawn.

Act1_000_03a: Corrected an oversight in which players could respawn but locked out of progress due to the way checkpoints were located. Powerups and checkpoints have been moved.

Act1_000_04 (that's the boss area): Added a healing pickup ahead of the checkpoint.

Added a BGM to the main menu, to act as a temporal placeholder. There are no imminent plans to makea new title screen bgm, but some folks were showing concerns due to the lack of sound at all during the start menu.


Shynny ( - Playtesting

Everyone at sage for your invaluable feedback <3


As it currently stands I think this has a fun set of mechanics that mesh pretty well together! My main issues are some of the sound design feels kinda odd(Music feels discordant in particular) and that dying on the first level warped me back to the first screen of the tutorial level.

That aside, super excited to see where you take this!
Took the game for a quick spin to get a feel for the character for the SAGE art collab and took some cliff notes as I went:

- The sound design in this game is nothing short of bizarre. I don't wanna be too harsh on the music on the offchance that it isn't final and you're still learning it as you go, but the sound effects used just sound like random sounds that don't correspond to their actions at all.
- The midair down attack move has really inconsistent falling speeds. Most of the time I swear it's slower than regular falling speed.
- The camera is also pretty inconsistent. There are some situations where it clearly shouldn't be focused on a single screen at a time - there were really awkward bits in the tutorial parts where you bounce from bumper to bumper where you could get "caught" between screen transitions and rapidly change between them, making it difficult to gauge the next bounce. Setpieces like this should probably just scroll with the character until you reach a new setpiece. There was a situation I THINK shortly after this where the camera transitioned to the wrong screen for some reason because I was sliding at the time, which probably would have soft locked had I not stumbled into the correct trigger again by accident.
- Stopped playing when I hit an actual softlock shortly after the first water section by sliding with my back too close to the wall. Clipped into the wall and no action I could perform could remove me from it.
Last edited:
Thanks for taking your time to comment :emoji_heart_decoration: Let me address some concerns:

- The midair down attack move

This is a property that has been willingly undisclosed. The groundpound move has a second level (activated by inputting the command again) that increases falling speed in exchange of killing horizontal momentum. You can test this by Jumping -> Air Dash -> Groundpound x2.

- The camera is also pretty inconsistent.

This didn't make it to update 1, but I am currently working on updating the camera to be less wonky on certain transitions.

Also, could you ellaborate on which room are you referring to in this section?

- Stopped playing when I hit an actual softlock shortly after the first water section by sliding with my back too close to the wall.

I caught this bug recently and countermeasures have been added to the current in-dev version.

Item information

Added by
Spanish Vanguard
Last update


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