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SAGE 2024 - Demo Penn Guiny's Dream Sack Demo


STORY: After being sucked into a sack full of dreams Penn Guiny lands into an area of the dream realm called "Sunny Shores". With the help of an unnamed cloud lady Penn Guiny learns how to traverse the dream realm.

GAMEPLAY: Penn Guiny's Dream Sack is a fast-paced 2D platformer inspired by games like "Blue Hedgehog" and "Italian Food Castle". Use Penn Guiny's pop attack and other cool moves to slide through the multi-pathed levels of the dream realm.

IMPORTANT: After beating a level the whole game shuts down and re-opens (just a warning so it doesn't surprise you)

COOL THINGY: Watch this cool video i made about my game

Screenshot 2024-07-25 021328rgre.png

Screenshot 2024-07-25 021715save.png

Screenshot 2024-07-25 021948etr.png

Updates here is a link to my youtube channel to get updates on my game

9/4/24 .New update adding some quality of life changes


.SEGA for sound effects and music
.The Youtuber GameDevKnight for making tutorials that I followed while making the game

Latest reviews

A very fun and unique little platformer!

First I will get my criticisms out of the way;
- Some of the movement is a little iffy, specifically, changing directions while moving fast in mid air feels very off. However, this didn't adversely affect the game too much; I just think the movements needs to be retooled a bit.
- You get used to it, but I don't think the purple cloud thing accurately conveys what it's function is. Maybe have Penn do a spin-kick or something more acrobatic instead of just doing a pose? Also, little nitpik, but I think Penn should slide up the walls rather than rolling up them.
- A bug I noticed; the "restart" button at the end of the level seems to open a new window instead of taking you back to the menu or something?

Now onto the positives!
- The sections where you have to slide, and jump off of a bunch of enemies in a row was very fun and I can see a lot of speedrun potential for them! I'd like to see more of this, perhaps with some new mechanics or platforms mixed in as the game goes on.
- The movement in-general (aside from the issues mentioned above) is very easy to understand, and yet has a decent amount of depth to it.
- Penn is an adorable little goofball.

Overall it was a fun time! I think polishing the movement as well as some more character frames that better convey said movement would make it even better. Keep up the good work!
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All your criticisms are the things I’ve been planning to fix after Sage ends so that’s good:) also thanks!:)


This has an extremely strong set of basic fundamentals and a fun visual style that Im kinda in love with and I think you could have something really fun on your hands if you continue to improve upon both!

My only real issue outside of that is that it does feel like some of the stage design gets a bit long in the tooth.

(Also i am in love with what the sun looks like in this)

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