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SAGE 2024 - Demo Aurascope SAGE 2024 Demo


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Aurascope is a 2D action-adventure collectathon platformer with light puzzle and RPG elements developed by Nick Oztok.


Join our friends Trace and Aurora to uncover the secrets surrounding the Aurascope, a mysterious drive from beyond the stars! Use it's abilities to help collect Energy Cores scattered throughout the lands to restore power to the Islands of Starlight! Utilize the duo's arsenal of skills to collect goodies, explore, battle foes big and small, and embark on an adventure of a lifetime!

  • Discover the secrets behind the Aurascope and complete the epic story in Adventure mode.
  • Play alongside or against your friends in head-to-head matches in battle mode.
  • Keep yourself entertained with a variety of fun challenge modes.
  • Customize the game to suit your personal preferences and gameplay style.
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:emoji_star: Use the Aurascope to interact with objects, attack enemies, as a jump boost, and more!


:emoji_star: Acquire Energy Cores to help bring power back to the Islands of Starlight!


:emoji_star: Collect and utilize all sorts of different items to help you along your journey!


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Trace is a lean, mean, - and with his mechanical arms, perhaps literal - platforming machine. With a wide array of moves and techniques at his disposal, he can traverse nearly any location with ease! Even without the Aurascope’s abilities, he is still an extremely agile and trailblazing adventurer with a big heart.

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Aurora is an extraordinary engineer and inventor. She never shies away from adventure and may be even more of a daredevil than Trace. She is equipped with several unique inventions of her own design in addition to being able to use the Aurascope. Her smarts and determination are what get her through the toughest situations!

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:emoji_diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside: Aurascope Website
:emoji_diamonds: Wishlist Aurascope On Steam


Latest reviews

Movement is great, level design is nice, there's very little to complain about.

One thing that bothers me is how the game does the whole "kick you out of the stage once you get a collectable" like in Super Mario 64, I feel like that wasn't necessary at all. Exploring the stages at your own pace, with all collectables being immediately accessible would be something easily feasible, and much more satistfying in practice. Either way, it's not a huge deal.

Wishlisted the game on Steam, I'm excited to see what comes next!
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Reactions: F108_Star
Congratulations, you’ve blown my mind. Honestly, the only trouble I had was some stage elements looking like I either could or couldn’t pass through them when the opposite was true. Otherwise, bloody fantastic! I couldn’t stop smiling and got over stimulated by just how great this game is. Wish listed and I’m excited for the game's eventual release!
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Reactions: F108_Star
Just beat the demo!

Was a fun experience! Loved the visuals, Great soundtrack and the movement felt great ! Looking forward to seeing more of this project!
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Reactions: F108_Star


Wow, this is crazy impressive. Graphics are amazing, sounds and music are great, and of course the gameplay is *chefs kiss*. I like that each level can't be fully explored on the first playthrough, and has to be revisited multiple times to obtain all the energy cores (much like Super Mario 64 / Odyssey). The levels themselves are massively explorable. The Aurascope itself is a nice gameplay hook, as its use varies depending on the aura of the item it is activating. Really a top-tier game you have here!
Played through four stages of the demo and I was thoroughly impressed! the pixel art on display was beautiful and the game has a strong design philosophy both in regard to level design and character moveset! My only criticism is that I sometimes struggled with enemies as I wasn't sure the best way to deal with them, especially since they all take multiple hits to defeat (which I like by the way, it fits the more puzzle platformy approach this game takes!). Both Trace and Aurora had a slide ability that worked fairly well (by crouching and then hitting B or pressing down while running) but if you don't have enough momentum behind it you quickly lose speed and then go back to idle state, causing you to take damage if you're touching an enemy when the slide ends. When starting the slide, there's also a chance it'll cause you to soar over the ground in a small arc (I'm not sure if both characters do this but Aurora definitely does) and this resulted in me flying completely over some enemies because their hitboxes were so small. I will say that compared to other platformers like Mario and Sonic the enemies felt rather small in general, so if you try to deal with them via the traditional method of jumping it's a little touchy.

That's my only major complaint though, and with time and effort I'm sure I could get a handle of the character controls and overcome the things I listed through sheer skill. The movesets of the characters allow for tons of player expression and everything about the movement in the game feels fluid. Like I said earlier, the game's pixel art is gorgeous and I also really liked the music. Animations were expressive and cutscenes were presented well too. I also had a LOT of fun in the boss fight against Tripmight! All an all the game's presentation is amazing and I'm really excited to see where development goes. I already added the game to my Steam wishlist because I'm genuinely interested in buying and playing it once finished so hats off to the developer, what's on display here is amazing so far!

I played a bit more and wanted to make a correction. The hop I was talking about happens if you're ALREADY sliding and then hit the B button. It also happens if you start a slide while on a slope. The player does a little hop to gain speed and then keep sliding. If you're approaching an enemy while doing this, you can accidentally hop over them. On flat ground this is a more of a player error thing but when doing it on slopes it did trip me up a bit. I think I would eventually get used to it though.
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This is pleasant and attractive, but I don't particularly understand or enjoy the mission structure. It would be a lot simpler to have a linear series of distinct levels instead of all this stuff with teleports and energy barriers.

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