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Whiskers & Wags Cleaning Co. - Demo

General Information

I present to you a game about a cat maid, Twinkelen, and a dog garbageman, Rote. They're a young couple who run their own cleaning business, Whiskers & Wags Cleaning Co.! In the demo are 3 levels (later will be updated to add a tutorial) where the main goal is to defeat all the baddies and clean every object in sight using stylish combat and maneuvers. Like mentioned earlier, there will be a tutorial added really soon to teach you the basics.

1,2 (change window size)
3 toggle fullscreen (not recommended right now, I have to work on resolution issues)
4 toggle screenshake on and off

In this demo you play as Twinkelen! (cat maid)
Controls --------
  • WASD - move
  • S - Crouch
  • J - Jump
  • K - Attack
  • L - Dash
  • E - Swap Sub Item
  • R - Activate Sub Item
  • F - Flirt (try it near Rote)
  • I - Grab (tap a direction after grabbing an enemy to throw it)
  • O - ACTs. Powered-up attacks that do heavy stun damage. (Only down + O while airborne, down + O on ground, and back + O are in-game)
  • U - Block time you block to parry the enemies attack and freeze them in place momentarily
  • Backspace - restart room
  • Spacebar - Interact with various objects, including doors, saving checkpoints at the cleaning cart
  • Shift - tap to toggle dragging the cleaning cart along with you
  • P - Pause
  • Left Joystick - move
  • S - Crouch
  • A - Jump ( X on PS controller)
  • X - Attack ( Square on PS controller)
  • Y - Dash (Triangle on PS controller)
  • Left Bumper - Swap Sub-Items
  • Right Bumper - Activate Sub Item
  • Dpad Down - Flirt (try it near Rote)
  • Right Trigger - Grab (tap a direction after grabbing an enemy to throw it)
  • B - ( Circle on PS controller) - ACTs. Powered-up attacks that do heavy stun damage. (Only down + B while airborne, down + B on ground, and back + B are in-game)
  • Left Trigger - Block time you block to parry the enemies attack and freeze them in place momentarily
  • Back / Select(?) - restart room
  • Dpad Up - Interact with various objects, including doors, saving checkpoints at the cleaning cart
  • Dpad Right - tap to toggle dragging the cleaning cart along with you
  • P - Pause

  • Left Joystick - move
  • A - Jump ( X on PS controller)
  • X - Attack ( Square on PS controller)
  • B - ( Circle on PS controller)Temporarily Disabled
  • Dpad Right - Interact ( interacting the cart makes it follow you)
  • Dpad Down - Refill (refill tool energy at the cart)
  • Dpad Up - Open doors
  • Left Bumper - Swap Sub-Items (hold for radial view, tap for quick-swap) soon
  • Right Bumper - Swap Weapons (hold for radial view, tap for quick-swap)
  • Right Trigger - Super Attack
  • Left Trigger -Perfume (dispels status effects)
  • Y - Dash (Triangle on PS controller)
  • Select - Restart
  • Start - Pause
  • Inspired by Smash Bros, Kingdom Hearts and other beat-em-ups
  • 4 directional attacks for ground and air (many of which have charged variants)
Charging Attacks - Holding the melee button to charge energy for your next attack. (up-tilt can't be charged right now)
Dash - You can dash in all 8 directions. Holding up, down, diagonal+up/down will change the direction. Dashing gives you a short moment of invincibility, allowing you to go through enemy attacks. Tap the dash button for a short burst of speed or hold it down for a longer dash.
Dash Jump (dash + jump) Dash Jump onto glowing pink objects to slide on them! It adds to the combo meter and makes traversal more fun. (to be expanded later)
Rack up a high combo count for more damage and gems. Taking damage resets combo to 0.
Sliding - holding crouch while moving to retain momentum and slide along the ground.

If you'd like to support the project, please consider droppin' a little something on my Ko-fi :)

Latest reviews

First thing you need to do after firing up this game is sweep a rug, then kiss your loving doggo husband with the game title flaring up over the door just next to you. From that point on I already knew this is fantastic. This is all the storytelling this game ever needs.

Graphics, music and sound effects (interesting use of lip02.wav) are all nailed and flow together extremely well. Basic combos are highly satisfying even if you're as horrible at hack'n slash games as I am which is just another testament at how great it is. My only gripe is that Twinkelen can sometimes reach speeds that feel very disjointed to the otherwise very boxed-in environment around her. Case in point how you can slide on furniture but jumping from one over to the other requires the tiniest tap of the jump key in the world so you won't overshoot then the room ends and you slam into a wall.

I also appreciate the neat little details such as how you can hold Spacebar as you enter a room not only to check where you're headed but to bust in the door and start a combo with it ("housekeeping!"). The gigantic dust bunny gave me trouble for a while until I could realize you can spam it down with poof bombs; the game gives you lots of options on how to deal with the enemies.

There were a few frankly game-breaking GMS errors, one when you start the game and it immediately doesn't recognize one of Twinkelen's grabs, the other on Stage 2 bathroom when a dust bunny throws an error in a step event while getting hit, making it unable to take damage and thus softlock the game.

But I'm still giving five stars because french cat maid and dog paps is best ship and no amount of errors or me being bad at it can convince me otherwise. :emoji_heartpulse:
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Reactions: Aw0
Thanks for playing! :D Feedback has been noted. The upcoming patch will (hopefully) address a lot of these issues


I'm horrendously bad at fighting games but I was able to put off a lot of simple combos on enemies that felt super satisfying. That and it's super adorable so I'd say this is pretty great and I'm looking forward to more.
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Reactions: Aw0
After playing this game I had a dream that I cucked an anthropomorphic fox boy by "making a mess" of his girlfriend and virtually every surface in her dingy apartment. I'm taking you to court. You're going to pay my therapy bill.

On the bright side, this is a very deep game with fun combat and a high skill ceiling that awards style points, so I'll keep an eye out on it.
After playing this game I had a dream that I cucked an anthropomorphic fox boy by "making a mess" of his girlfriend and virtually every surface in her dingy apartment. I'm taking you to court. You're going to pay my therapy bill.

On the bright side, this is a very deep game with fun combat and a high skill ceiling that awards style points, so I'll keep an eye out on it.
Thanks for playing! :)
I'm horrendously bad at fighting games but I was able to put off a lot of simple combos on enemies that felt super satisfying. That and it's super adorable so I'd say this is pretty great and I'm looking forward to more.
Haha, glad to hear it. Thanks for playing :) the patch will have a tutorial so that should help quite a bit
i was trying to play this game, but either Windows Defender or my Anti-Virus Software Kaspersky Internet Security confuses it with a virus and deletes it immediately.
Could you please put it in another file, which wouldn’t be confused with a virus?
i was trying to play this game, but either Windows Defender or my Anti-Virus Software Kaspersky Internet Security confuses it with a virus and deletes it immediately.
Could you please put it in another file, which wouldn’t be confused with a virus?
Once I have a new build ready I'll update it. It's odd that it would get mistaken for a virus now though. It's been up for around a month or so and no one else has had any issues with it

Item information

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Last update
5.00 star(s) 1 ratings


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