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SAGE 2022 - Demo Mega Man Four Hounds

General Information

Mega Man Four Hounds is a new fangame in development, inspired by the classic Mega Man games developed over the years, official and fanmade. Headed by DeMontropolis, this specific fangame seeks to up the stakes in terms of challenge, personality, graphics, story, and music to provide a truly memorable experience.

Players can choose to play as Mega Man, Proto Man, or Bass, with each character having their own unique upgrades and playstyles. Dr. Wily is up to no good again, and it's up to our heroes to stop him!

This game's roster of Robot Masters includes a new series dubbed the Super Light Numbers, consisting of Smirk Man, Scorch Woman, Static Man, Wing Man, Poison Man, Meteor Man, Root Man, and Ooze Man. Each of these characters bring a unique difficulty and charm never before seen.

The demo of '22 will allow the player to tackle the Intro Stage followed by Smirk Man, Scorch Woman, and Static Man's Stages. The demo will come with 2 music soundtracks: an 8-bit OST that stays true to the original chiptune style, and an Arranged OST entirely created by DeMontropolis.

Now you may be asking yourself... Who or what are the Four Hounds? What makes them so important that the fangame is named after them?

Welp, all I can say is... play the demo to find out!

StageSelect.png Intro1.png Intro2.png Intro3.png Scorch1.png Scorch2.png Scorch3.png Smirk1.png Smirk2.png Smirk3.png Static1.png Static2.png Static3.png

Latest reviews

Well, describing this game is a bit hard, I think to put it in few words it's a "pick up and die" type of game because death is something that I become familiar the longer I play.
To start with positives at least the game does look very good, the characters and the backgrounds, both look great, and the parallax scrolling with the fake 3d gets my approval.
The controls are quite solid, I mean it's a Mega Man game, I don't need to say more, and the intro stage is perfect, it's hard but it's balanced and challenging, I have no complains about it.
And the music is quite rich and memorable, with very well composed tracks, I like both the 8-bit and arranged versions, the arranged versions really sound something out of MM11, if there was a thing like a "Famicom CD" this would be the closest.
But my praise stops there, because of one major prevention, THE DIFFICULTY, yes, it IS really that hard, for full disclosure I had been playing this game since yesterday, and with only short rests, and yet I only saw one boss and that yeeted me.
While the enemies making a lot of damage would be bad enough(yeah I know Proto Man is fragile but still), but the combination of other things like insta-death spikes everywhere, and bottomless pits, things that requiere split second reactions, puzzles that confuse and latter frustrate you, and so on, the combination of all of these things make what would be enjoyable into a frustrating experience, I would accept those on a Dr. Wily stage, but in normal robot master stages?... yikes!
Don't get me wrong, you did have put a lot of effort into the assets and everything else in the game, but this game suffers from the same thing as Mega Man and Bass, another "pick up and die" game.
My recommendations would be make less damaging enemies, try to not have as many instadeath spikes or bottomless pits, don't have "Don't screw up or you D I E" puzzles at the start of the game, balancing some enemies, like those things that throw balls are invincible while they throw balls at you and please, I beg you, shorten your levels! because having them being too long makes it even discouraging to continue, moreso because of the lack of checkpoints.
In any case I will try to keep updated once I manage to defeat Static Man, the only way I could get across his stage was via grinding... yeah, and I died at the guy.

Update: I finally managed to beat Static Man, I had to stack up on half damage upgrades, the good thing is that I don't auto-equip them but rather I can equip them whenever I want, so that helped a lot in the boss... which was barely acceptable standards. So My point still stands... still sastifying as hell to had beat up the guy tho.

Update 2: Scorch Woman was better, at least her stage is more straightforward and didn't took me as much time to figure the stage out, but still it's a bit frustrating and again it takes too long, also a bug made a pillar of flame stay in place and play a destroy sound constantly kind of like if I was using a turbo fire against an invincible enemy, so I had to mute the sound.

Update 3: I managed to finish off the game with Smirk man and... to be honest, that stage is actually halfway decent, it's only two sections long, it has an ok difficulty curve and the boss is enjoyable, plus I was in joy destroying everything with Static Man's weapon, using it was hysterical... ah yeah, that's one positive, at least the weapons are fun to use and useful. Only thing I got against are the typical cheap enemy placement in bottomless pits and two is the roulette, that is made for the sole pruporse of bribing you in and taking away your bolts... granted, it's a smart move from the villain but at least put me a hint that tells me not to use it! yeah I know I can restart the game but still, I found it quite confusing and annoying.
In short I don't call this game bad, it's an alright game and you can have some fun with it, just I think my points stand and I think the game would benefit so much more with those improvements I mentioned before, as it stands now it's on the same level as the aforementioned Mega Man & Bass, which is also solid but with major drawbacks.
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I really liked this one. I agree with the consensus that it's way too hard (the intro level feels like a mid-game level), but honestly? The level design is all pretty damn solid. I wouldn't mind it being kept around as-is as some kind of Super Hard mode. A few more checkpoints and an endless lives option would go a long way towards making it more approachable even if you didn't nerf the levels though, because the levels do properly set up their own gimmicks and escalate them well.
it hard as megaman,harder as protoman and IMPOSSIBLE as Bass


What is here is absolutely fantastic. I love all the spritework and animations, and don't think I didn't notice even Mega Man's sprite was new. A lot of fan devs are content using the exact same sprite as the NES games, so I appreciate the effort. The stage theming in the demo is also great, I especially love the ideas in Smirk Man's stage. The new enemies and stage obstacles are all very creative, and I really like the new mechanic with the charged shot and how it can even have poor consequences. The music is great, too, and the story already seems very interesting. The only real critique I have is that the game is maybe a bit too difficult. While nothing felt unfair or frustrating, it's definitely much harder than any official classic Mega Man game, and I've played through the majority of them. I died a few times in the intro stage, and I didn't get far in any of the robot master stages without getting a few game overs. It might do well to sprinkle in a few more checkpoints, or remove some death pits/spikes. Overall, this is an amazing game, though, and I am really looking forward to the full release.
I not sure where I should told that there is a bug so I just gonna leave it here.
After defeat the boss, it's stuck and couldnt move up to the panel to return back base.
I not sure where I should told that there is a bug so I just gonna leave it here.
After defeat the boss, it's stuck and couldnt move up to the panel to return back base.
Hello! Sorry for this experience and thank you for reporting an issue.
Could you please provide a bit more details on what and under which circumstances it happened: what boss did you defeat, have you entered any menus and so on. This way devs could reproduce and locate the issue more easily.
Hello. I found a bug where in the scene where you give the phone to Selena, the character doesn't appear there
Bass seem.........weak in this game,his strength of being very agile doesnt help much here as there alot of hazard you cant skip and there alot of death pit,his buster also feel weak or enemy in this game is WAY too tanky,enemy also require precise aiming which bass suck as,Stage hazard require precise aiming(cough cough the red/blue button gimmick),his buster also doesnt go through wall without upgrade so his only decent option is to go Super Bass and ignore the level intirely until he get atleast 1 weapon it like you guy OVERCOMPENSATE for how OP Bass is in Megaman & Bass.
There some weirdness with the ladder in this game it seem like you cant drop down instantly when on them which lead to unfun moment also you sometime dont shoot in the given position this can make certain room much harder.

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3.50 star(s) 2 ratings


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