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Emerald Ties (SAGE2021 Demo)

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The old fangame classic is back! And with a 10 Act demo! Development on this fangame has been on and off every several years. Recently, it has moved to the Core Framework, allowing a much smoother gameplay much like Sonic Mania, including the Drop Dash!

Unfortunately due to time restrains, there is no story featured in the demo for now as it is in a middle of a major rewrite. Look forward to it in the future!

This new demo features all the zones from previous demos but recreated with a ton of polish and re-arranged level design such as...

Sparkling Seaside Zone

Relic Retreat Zone

Fuming Foundry Zone


Polar Peak Zone


Find these item monitors across every stage! Breaking them will aide you a power up or rings!

Super Ring - The most common item monitor that gives you 10 rings.
Blue Shield - A common shield that protects you from losing your rings upon taking damage once.
Bubble Shield - The water-elemental shield that not only protects you from drowning in underwater areas, but also allows you to do a bounce in midair.
Flame Shield
- The fire-elemental shield protects you from lava and fire-elements such as fireballs. You can do an airdash with it.
Lightning Shield
- The lightning-elemental shield attracts nearby rings and allows you to do a double jump.
Wind Shield
- A brand new wind-elemental shield that increases your jump height. You can hover a short distance in mid-air while it also pulls in some nearby rings (at a shorter range than the Lightning Shield.)
Power Sneakers
- Grants you a temporary speed boost, while unlocking the speed cap.
- Grants you a temporary invincibility. You will be protected from nearly everything except death pits and crushers.
Hyper Ring
- When taking a hit, your rings will fly out as eight huge rings, containing an eighth of your ring count each. This allows you regain a lot of your rings way easier.
Extra Life
- Grants you an extra life.
Eggman Mark
- These may not appear in the demo, but this item monitor causes harm upon breaking it.
Super Super Ring
- A joke item that does nothing particularly special but actually grants you 20 rings. There is only one in each non-boss act, can you find them?


ph33rtehgd (Creator, Original PPZ1-3 Level Designer)
Blyde (Artist)
Rael0505 (Original RRZ1 and FFZ1 Level Designer)
Arrietty (Overall Level Designer, Programmer, Art, etc)
Andy Tunstall and Mr. Gurtz (Music)
Sik (Combi Ring Sprite)

Title Screen Song: "Immortal Legacy" by Vojto “Takara” Szocs

NOTE: There are a few leftover Sonic Mania assets in the demo, this is because it's built on the Core Framework which is designed after Sonic Mania. They are ultimately placeholders and will not be used in the final game.

Latest reviews

obviously not complete but amazing
Very cool! I found the double ring monitor in Fuming Foundry. I wish Fuming Foundry also had more acts.
Next demo will feature a complete version of the level.
this game completed or a demo you can have many hours of fun and i like a lot the fact that there is a lot of paths to take.
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Reactions: sanic da heg


Just played through it and enjoyed it a lot. The level design is really snappy and full of replayability. The music is absolutely worthy of the Sonic name, being wall to wall earworms (I'm leaving the title music on while I type this...). And I love all the new badnick designs! Especially the lil Bark bot and the return of the warthog bot from SMS Sonic 2, but Winter-y now!

Feedback wise, I've got two points. Sonic's spritework seems like it could use more polish -- the design is great, but some of the animations don't look quite there yet (especially his ending pose). Additionally, the physics feel very off to me... Drop Dash and Ball Form feel very underpowered, and Sonic feels like his top running speed is a bit sluggish without the Peel Out. Because of both of these things, I found myself leaning much harder on the Peel Out than I normally do, which changed the way I'd normally traverse and explore levels.

Still, there's so much good stuff here. Y'all should really be proud of your work!! I really can't wait to play more!
As someone who's been following the progress on this game This year's Demo is Amazing. Visuals & Control are top notch as per usual especially since this is Now running on the Core Framework. Hopefully a Full release can be expected in the near future 😉
I love this game! One question though: Will there be special stages and will Super Sonic appear? Because if the game is called Emerald Ties, the Chaos Emeralds should also be here.
Super Sonic will definitely be there in the final game. However since it's a demo, most of the game's content isn't naturally present. Can't comment on Special Stages themselves just yet.
This is all really nice! The lava level background could be less of a single image, and the ruin walls are a bit too noisy, but mostly everything is nice to look at and nice to play, especially in the later zones where there are more gimmicks to play with. The ice zone has the best badniks overall I think but the green fire badnik with the ! bubble is outstanding. Good use of multiple paths too, especially when I noticed myself going directions other than straight right.
Just played through it and enjoyed it a lot. The level design is really snappy and full of replayability. The music is absolutely worthy of the Sonic name, being wall to wall earworms (I'm leaving the title music on while I type this...). And I love all the new badnick designs! Especially the lil Bark bot and the return of the warthog bot from SMS Sonic 2, but Winter-y now!

Feedback wise, I've got two points. Sonic's spritework seems like it could use more polish -- the design is great, but some of the animations don't look quite there yet (especially his ending pose). Additionally, the physics feel very off to me... Drop Dash and Ball Form feel very underpowered, and Sonic feels like his top running speed is a bit sluggish without the Peel Out. Because of both of these things, I found myself leaning much harder on the Peel Out than I normally do, which changed the way I'd normally traverse and explore levels.

Still, there's so much good stuff here. Y'all should really be proud of your work!! I really can't wait to play more!
Hi! So, regarding the run speed. The Core Framework's run speed are accurate to how the genesis games were (according to the physics guide), but then I've remembered Emerald Ties's older demos had him run faster than that, which is what the levels were designed around. So I've made Sonic's run speed 6 -> 6.75 in the most recent update. It's not quite as fast as the old demos but I think I hit a sweet middleground. Let me know if that works out better!
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Late to the party, but just to say I really enjoyed this demo. Level design was nice and the full level wrapping (backtracking) of Relic Retreat really cool! I don't know if you made Wind Shield jump lower as a response to the comment saying it was OP or if it was like from the beginning, but it's an interesting way to balance it (I only realized it later when I was surprised how low my jump was!)

There was no notable gameplay bug, only visual inconsistencies in the sprites as noted by supercrownjosie (as if the character was made to stand on ground slightly seen from above, while environment tiles themselves as seen from a perfect sideview).

My biggest issue was performance: the game ran very slow at fullscreen on my GTX 860M, which is, granted, an old-gen laptop card, but should play 2D games just fine. I tried to play in a small window to increase FPS, but it wasn't enough. So I resorted to my beast office computer to run it smoothly in fullscreen!

If it's a limitation of the engine/framework, then there is not much to do (unless you can contribute to the framework). But if it runs fine when you hide the background parallax layers and other extra visual elements, then it may be an issue specific to this project. I'll check for updates after SAGE 2022!
Late to the party, but just to say I really enjoyed this demo. Level design was nice and the full level wrapping (backtracking) of Relic Retreat really cool! I don't know if you made Wind Shield jump lower as a response to the comment saying it was OP or if it was like from the beginning, but it's an interesting way to balance it (I only realized it later when I was surprised how low my jump was!)

There was no notable gameplay bug, only visual inconsistencies in the sprites as noted by supercrownjosie (as if the character was made to stand on ground slightly seen from above, while environment tiles themselves as seen from a perfect sideview).

My biggest issue was performance: the game ran very slow at fullscreen on my GTX 860M, which is, granted, an old-gen laptop card, but should play 2D games just fine. I tried to play in a small window to increase FPS, but it wasn't enough. So I resorted to my beast office computer to run it smoothly in fullscreen!

If it's a limitation of the engine/framework, then there is not much to do (unless you can contribute to the framework). But if it runs fine when you hide the background parallax layers and other extra visual elements, then it may be an issue specific to this project. I'll check for updates after SAGE 2022!
I can look into what is causing the slowdowns. The game should run fine on a GTX 860M. Maybe it's a CPU issue?

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