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Sonic Horizons - SAGE 2023 Demo

General Information

Stay up to date with the project over on my Twitter

Please report EVERY bug you may find throughout playing the game. I take bugfixing very seriously, so your support is appreciated!

Patch Notes v1.1 ///

- Fixed the dreaded discord.log file ( I'm so sorry guys this slipped right past me :c )
- Addressed numerous softlocks (hopefully)
- Fixed several Playstation-related input issues
- Added Invert Camera X and Y in Gameplay Settings
- Fixed performance issues (hopefully)
- Reworked portal levels: Story progression only requires an A rank now, and S rank will give additional avatar points for cosmetics
- Rebalanced ranks for stages
- Added crystal markers on the map for unclaimed crystals + Moved some crystals around
- Enabled stomping using Y/"R"
- Tweaked some physics
- Added button hints for map and pausing
- Cursor is now displayed when popups are on the screen (to prevent softlocks)
and more


About ///

Sonic Horizons is an open-zone fangame, obviously inspired by Sonic Frontiers. Built from the ground up using the custom Blur Framework, Horizons aims to take the foundation of the open-zone formula that Frontiers established and expand on it in a different direction, focusing more on physics-based platforming/exploration, thinking outside the box, and generally forging your own path along the journey.


This game features mechanics returning from previous games, such as spindashing, dropdashing, and bouncing, and new mechanics such as the wall-dash, which allows you to magnetically stick to walls, all linked together in a big world both built specifically around this moveset and full of collectables and other interactables, such as portals and Activities, putting your skills to the absolute test in order to maximize rewards


Credits ///

strix - Project Lead, Gameplay/Framework Programmer, World Designer, UI Designer, SFX Designer, Writer, Graphics etc etc
climatrix - OST, Beta-Testing
VirtualFreeze, Rextair - Level Designer, Beta-Testing
Vintiru - Voice of Sonic, Writing Assistance, Level Design Assistance, Beta-Testing

MacPit - Additional Modeling/Texturing Assistance, Writing Assistance, Beta-Testing
CallMeDante, Freddson, jtn00b, mxshii, JayferDraw, SpaceWizardR - Feedback and/or Beta-Testing
TheBlueBlurYT - Animation rig used for the cutscenes
Josh - Technical help

Latest reviews

After spending a lot of time in the tech demo last year, I'm glad the work on this has continued. The demo was pretty long ngl. I've enjoyed what is there nonetheless. I appreciate the effort that has been put into it, although it took time to get used to, due to the controls being very weird. Especially the spindash, that one gave me problems, since Sonic is rarely speeding up in his normal speed. The score-based rank system makes me kind of annoyed but it's just my preference. The forest itself feels kind of... narrow? I don't know, I feel like it's not as satisfying to control in, as say Kronos Island in Frontiers, which this fan-game is based on. And please add Fast Travel like Frontiers does with it's portals. I get that it's supposed to be an open-world game, that will be a breeze to go through with Sonic's speed but as long as you continue to develop the fan-game, the bigger the environment will get, to the point where Fast Travel will be needed anyway. By the way, when I've completed the portal, I accidentally hit restart and when I left after that, the progress didn't save, just something to consider.
My obvious biggest issue with this demo is the optimization. Perhaps it has been already mentioned by everyone else but the game is very strict on FPS. I had to disable almost everything and set the resolution to 720p to get a semi-playable experience. While we're on a topic of resolution, I beg to add HUD scaling. I have a bad eyesight, so it required me to get really close to my monitor to read the mission's description every time, even on 1080p. I want you to please realize not a lot of people in the world use 4K monitors to be content with this. Besides that, I can see the potential of this project and I'm hopeful it will get finished. Good luck with further development!
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Reactions: F108_Star and strix
also for the HUD scaling, it was going to be added to the game but with the insane rush the game went thru (which you’ve probably heard of by now) it had to be pulled out last minute, since I had to prioritize other parts of the game
Hi there, can you give me the download link? Please respond right away. I love this game so much, I saw from a video.
there is a literal download on this page on the left side bar
The game has its own problems with optimization and some bugs with collision and camera, but in GENERAL, I REALLY liked the game! I am looking forward to new updates and projects!
Just played through this til' the end of the demo, and I've got to say, it's amazing stuff, really. It feels like a game built for going as fast as possible without being a glorified rollercoaster ride.

Sonic's moveset is great, a spindash that can be used at any time, plus the dropdash, stomp, and bounce make for some really fun platforming. The wall run mechanic is a neat concept, but it's very hard to control at points.

The 3D Open World is pretty aight, Sonic controls well, and the world looks very Sonic-y, if that makes sense. The main issue I had with Frontiers' open world is that it felt like Sonic was very out of place, but this game takes the open world concept and improves on it tenfold, in my opinion. It's very reminiscent of Planet Wisp, which is good in my opinion, though I am biased because I find Planet Wisp to be very pretty. However, I feel like the terrain of the open world causes Sonic to handle with a considerable amount of jank, I sometimes felt as if I was out of control of Sonic slip-n-sliding on sharp edges or jagged surfaces. It didn't help that I would occasionally get stuck in gaps in the terrain because of the odd floating thing Sonic does when on intangible terrain. Otherwise, Open World was very fun to play, and all of the little challenges were actually...y'know...challenges.

Portal 1 was a very well designed level, but had a few kinks that I ran into that sort of soured the experience of trying to S-Rank it. The main core of the level is very good, it was fun to try and get through it as fast as I could, and Sonic's moveset further amplifies that. However, it felt like a couple of slopes were trying to work against me, as I could launch myself off of one in a run, but the same slope just doesn't carry me as far in the next. The camera change near the end of the level also kind of stubbed some of my runs, as it messed up my movement mid-air, causing me to miss the rail entirely. The level is well designed, but there are still some kinks to work out. 8/10

Portal 2 is an alright level, but it definitely has some fundamental issues that need to be worked out. I am personally not a big fan of modern 2D, but this game's Sonic moveset makes it fun. However, the physics in 2D feel I can fully rev up a spindash and go up a slope but completely tank any speed going on the ceiling, which causes me to drop to the ground like a rock. The 2D-switching-into-3D is a very good idea, but the camera definitely stunts a bit of the enjoyment, as it doesn't really like to stay in one place when switching directions. I think 2D for this game could work, but the physics in 2D would need to be radically altered to keep it fluid and fun. Portal 2 was alright, in my opinion. 7/10

All in all, this game, from the demo at least, is already a blast to play. It has serious potential to be one of, if not the best 3D Sonic fangames. I'll definitely be watching out for development updates and whatnot, this game could be something really special. 8/10.
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Reactions: strix
I need link to download
Yea me too.


Fun game but with many technical problems.
Most terrain meshes do not reflect their real collision, so things like going around the map area while floating are possible and just makes the player experience not as fun as it could be with the real terrain mesh. This also creates alot of player softlocks as its possible to see in the image below where i had to restart(Image 1).
This game needs some serious optimization, i currently have a rtx3060 and the FPS doesn't go above 70 in Island stages in Max and Low settings.
I wish it was possible to zoom out in the map menu.
When interacting with the portal, you can only select a option if you press TAB to show your cursor.
Its possible to get softlocked in the portal stages for dying because Sonic started to grind backwards when changing rail and now he keeps dying and i get teleported to a Camera event(Image 2).
Sometimes if you die, you are unable to control Sonic but its still possible to crouch (Image 3).
Most of the mechanics the game doesn't teach in the tutorial like opening the map.
Its easier to get an S rank by going on the lower paths
After the ending the portal level, it says to press Escape, but Space needs to be pressed
I'm at the very first portal and got the crystal after a spring on a tree and the crystal on a tree you get after grinding a rail and going up a slope. I can't find the third crystal and I've poured over the whole area, so obviously I'm missing something.

I'll also echo the technical issues raised above as well as that Dualsense input is bugged where double jump requires square when jumping is x and you can't air dash. The bounce also seems to not be a good way to get myself sheer vertical distance, I always seem to go too far horizontally even from a standstill, and the air dash being reliant on Sonic's direction and not stick input isn't ideal.
I was just recently made aware of the performance/optimization issues. It ran perfectly fine across multiple rigs that my friends used to test (including mine which by todays standards is pretty mid/average) but as soon as I let it out for everyone to play a bunch of issues started popping out that I have both no clue what get caused by and how to fix them. I'll try to look into them soon, but I doubt I'll be able to do something significant
The game just wont start after I extracted it. Do I need to download something else to get it running?
I've been unable to play even past the opening area due to an optimization issue that was pointed out. It dips around 10 FPS and stays around there despite having a decent rig and turning settings down. I do think there might be some possible theory as to why this is the case, however.

For me, the game opens with the map for a brief second before closing right after the game's opening cutscene. Not sure if that is supposed to happen but maybe the game is running both the map and the game at the same time that it's causing massive lag?

There are also strange, possibly corrupted textures on the walls in the opening area, which could be related.

I can't give much of an opinion on the game itself due to these issues which I hope could be resolved, but I figure it's important to share anyhow. Besides that, I would've liked some option to rebind the controls or just anywhere I can check what the controls are because I wasn't sure how to pause the game at all with a keyboard and mouse, lol.
I'm at the very first portal and got the crystal after a spring on a tree and the crystal on a tree you get after grinding a rail and going up a slope. I can't find the third crystal and I've poured over the whole area, so obviously I'm missing something.

I'll also echo the technical issues raised above as well as that Dualsense input is bugged where double jump requires square when jumping is x and you can't air dash. The bounce also seems to not be a good way to get myself sheer vertical distance, I always seem to go too far horizontally even from a standstill, and the air dash being reliant on Sonic's direction and not stick input isn't ideal.
The third crystal is a little further back in the area, if you go on top of the trees and use them to backtrack a little bit (make sure to stay on top of the trees), you should eventually see the crystal on a raised area surrounded by a circle of rings
Hope this helps
The third crystal is a little further back in the area, if you go on top of the trees and use them to backtrack a little bit (make sure to stay on top of the trees), you should eventually see the crystal on a raised area surrounded by a circle of rings
Hope this helps
Thanks I found it
I have a massive issue with the game where when i launch it, all i can see is a neon purple screen like the game has just straight up broke on me. no clue what to do. hopefully when im not on my laptop and when i get home i have more luck.
The only idea I have thats causing the pink screens is due to the game running on Vulkan. Next patch will move it to DirectX, hopefully that'll fix it along with other performance issues
Despite a lot of technical issue what’s shown here is really impressive. I think having to S rank every stage can be annoying. Specifically in the second one where it’s very easy to run into enemies in the 2D sections
Outside of issue that have been mentioned already by others I found that facing the opposite direction after starting a speedtrap will cause the marker for the goal to show in the opposite direction
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I can't progress through the game past the first portal. The Ranking screen shows up upon loading into the stage. Restarting the stage does the same thing.
Here's a thing most people won't point out: on a cheaper controllers with bad circularity the game is basically unplayable due to 1-to-1 analogue movement. If yourr gamepad can't do every single degree good you are in big trouble. Also stopping is hard on even good controllers.
I played through a bit of this, so I wanted to give some feedback. I'm not going to touch on things like terrain collision and graphical bugs, as plenty of people have already mentioned those. For some context, I only played up until a little after beating the first cyberspace level. This is because I honestly wasn't having much fun, and this is due to a few different things.

One, while I think the idea of a more physics-focused take on Frontiers's open-zone concept is a great one, the level design just wasn't doing it for me. The small restrictive areas of this demo just don't really sell the concept, though I understand they're likely so small because this is an early demo. The placement of trees and other elements also feels a bit haphazard. The levels especially have a problem with vertical design, where there's too much focus on gaining height by running up straight walls and not enough gradual inclines and other tools to go up. There just needs to be more variety of things to play with, especially in an introduction area where the player is getting their grip on the mechanics and physics. Setting the demo in the dark of night was also a mistake, at least from my perspective. Instead of feeling energized and motivated to do exploration and platforming, which a brighter environment would accomplish, the light level was instead giving me a feeling of somber melancholy. Great for atmosphere, not so great for making me want to do tricky platforming.

Two, Sonic is a bit frustrating to control. He's difficult to move with precision, and he has a lot of momentum, which let to me falling off trees and missing rails a lot. Going the direction you want when wall running feels more difficult than it should be. And, finally, air control just doesn't feel good. With how the levels are designed, Sonic could really use more height and distance to his jumps and air dash.

Lastly, there were a few other small things. I'm just going to throw these out without much flow, so please bear with me. The tutorial for wall running does not seem very well implemented. I nearly made it through the first wall-running section before the tutorial even triggered. When I failed that first attempt, I suddenly started freezing in place, nowhere near the walls, because the tutorial suddenly expected me to be in the process of doing wall running and was trying to be helpful by pausing time. The aesthetics of cyberspace were pretty boring. I would fail trying to get to a new area and fall out the map, only to respawn on the platform I failed to get to. Speaking of which, in this kind of open-level design, making deep water a pit hazard is frustrating. Just let me climb out of the water myself. And with the speed you can attain, I really expected to be able to run across water. Finally, I seriously question the decision to make high level ranks required for minimum progression. I didn't have any trouble getting an A rank in that first level, but just the fact I had to get it stressed me out and cause me to restart when I probably didn't need to. Being immediately told you must master the level really makes it hard to relax and enjoy it for your first time through. I get what you're going for, but I hope you understand that you are basically turning away everyone that's just looking for a casual, fun time playing an open-design Sonic game. Requiring an A rank for basic progression also begs the question of why include more than 3 ranks at all, one for failing, one for passing, and the S rank. It doesn't matter if you obtain a C rank versus a B rank, they're both not good enough for anything.

Please don't take this wall of critique to mean I hated the game or anything. I really like the base concept and I think you have a foundation with a lot of potential. But this is the kind of game idea where the devil is really in the details.

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