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BuKnight: The Order of The Golden Crest (v0.5)

General Information

The village of Carrottia is under attack from the wolves (again)... and they have company. It's up to the rookie Bonnie to save the day from this canine menace. Jump, slash and spin through the various tracks to fight back and recover the parts of Carrottia's sacred treasure: The Golden Crest.

BuKnight is a fun and speedy action-platformer mixing the late-90s era mascot fever with the mid-2000s indie game craze. Use your up- and downsmash attacks, as well as the special swirling move to hurl pain at your enemies or to change your momentum and dodge their attacks as your zoom past or towards them.

Stay tuned and enjoy!



  • Cute 2D animals in a medieval setting
  • Breakneck speed platforming
  • Slashy-swirly action
  • A password/cheat system
  • Two areas with two stages.
  • Completely inauthentic retro sound and visuals

Arrow keys - Movement, looking- and climbing up and down
X - Jumping
C - Standard attack, holding up and down midair can make it an up- or down-smash
V - Whirling attack, grants invincibility during animation.
P - Pause the game
Esc - Quit

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Latest reviews

This is a great game centered around an interesting character, I would love to learn more about her in the future. You did a great job at meshing together the eras you were aiming for. I do believe the enemies need a bit of work though, perhaps some nerfing to their AI, or as another reviewer suggested, giving the player some defensive moves.
The sound was amazing, both the music and the voice acting. I look forward to seeing where you take the finished game.
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Reactions: The-Syreth-Clan
I can see what you're trying to accomplish here, but there are still a couple of things that I need to complain about. The game is quite unbalanced, enemies can shoot you off-screen which can lead to unfair deaths and hits. There's no real reward for defeating enemies, so the best thing to do is just avoid them since you will get hit anyway due to the enemy's aim. Also about the enemy's aim, it's quite hard to avoid getting hit by the enemy since their aim is nearly perfect and will get you unless if you're running. A recommendation I would add is some kind of defensive move to protect yourself against enemies. The least I can give this is a good rating since you have some great ideas but they need ironing out. Fix these problems and I bet you'll have something amazing here.
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Reactions: The-Syreth-Clan


Which version of Game Maker was this made in? I played it on my stream, and the old Game Maker stuff really threw me back. Especially the midis.

I like the main character. She's kinda a bamf. The swordplay was fun, though I wish there was controller support. (Unless there is, and mine didn't work for it.) Might come back to this one!
Which version of Game Maker was this made in? I played it on my stream, and the old Game Maker stuff really threw me back. Especially the midis.

I like the main character. She's kinda a bamf. The swordplay was fun, though I wish there was controller support. (Unless there is, and mine didn't work for it.) Might come back to this one!
It's made in Game Maker 8.0. Thanks for the feedback and the rating, it's much appreciated. Unfortunately there is no controller support so you'll need to use something like JoyToKey.
It's made in Game Maker 8.0. Thanks for the feedback and the rating, it's much appreciated. Unfortunately there is no controller support so you'll need to use something like JoyToKey.
Understood. Controller support is a PAIN in Game Maker 8.0. I know that from experience. I'll try it out with JoyToKey next time. I'm out of practice with the keyboard, lol

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4.33 star(s) 3 ratings


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