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Things I don't get about SRB1 (which includes SRB2)


Green Hill Zone
Aug 13, 2022
You see, when Sonic Team Junior first created SRB1, it started off as a 2D and crappy game which seemed like it was crafted from the 1990's. the poor old title screen playing SatAM's theme I think, AAHHH SONIC IS BACK TO HIS MOVIE 2019 DESIGN (did you notice that?), AAAAGH NO EARS IS SONIC A PART OF THE ECHIDNAS

And that is SRB1, with some downhill and uphill things all of yous might agree on, but here is SRB2.

SRB2 is a nice 3D and beautifully crafted game which I've been hearing about for a long time - a really long time, all I heard was SRB2 all day long. I saw a gameplay of it and IT WAS SMACKERS! That landscape of Greenflower (don't think that you "completely" changed the map to not remind us of overused Green Hill ugh), how the bosses are programmed, THE WHOLE MAPS HOLY WOW

They also introduced Tails and Knuckles into the game! Tails is still the cute flying cub fox, Knuckles remaining.... KnUcKlEs ThE bAdASs and Sonic the cool and hero. It's just - amazing and here is what I'm confused of:

SRB1 started off as an 2D game, right? But SRB2 started to be more finalized and a beautiful game. What is the connection between them to?! Couldn't SRB2 or 1 start off as an 2.5D game almost? No offense to anything I'm saying but why? SRB1 could have been a connection to SRB2 if it had it's finalizing power, but from today's date this is how it will remain.


Marble Zone
Aug 20, 2020
Huh? None of this is a mystery at all. SRB1 is just an extremely old fangame from 1998. 24 years ago. At the time, there were hardly resources to make fangames. It was a completely different landscape back then. Everyone back then were just learning how to make games. Nearly every fangame from that era were very rough.

Keep in mind, it was also made in Klik N Play, which is very limiting to its successors such as ClickTeam Fusion 2.5. So of course it couldn't be 2.5D, Klik N Play and the like from that time period were just not simply capable of doing so.

The reason why SRB2 is such a gigantic jump in quality is because despite starting in 1999, the sequel has been in the works for over 2 decades by now. SRB2's huge Version 2.2 update was released in 2020 and that alone was a *huge* jump in quality on a game that was already leaps and bounds far better than SRB1.

Really, in short, it's just one fan game made in old software that was completed in 1998 and the other is still actively in the works that is largely contributed by a team and a passionate community.


Green Hill Zone
Aug 13, 2022
Huh? None of this is a mystery at all. SRB1 is just an extremely old fangame from 1998. 24 years ago. At the time, there were hardly resources to make fangames. It was a completely different landscape back then. Everyone back then were just learning how to make games. Nearly every fangame from that era were very rough.

Keep in mind, it was also made in Klik N Play, which is very limiting to its successors such as ClickTeam Fusion 2.5. So of course it couldn't be 2.5D, Klik N Play and the like from that time period were just not simply capable of doing so.

The reason why SRB2 is such a gigantic jump in quality is because despite starting in 1999, the sequel has been in the works for over 2 decades by now. SRB2's huge Version 2.2 update was released in 2020 and that alone was a *huge* jump in quality on a game that was already leaps and bounds far better than SRB1.

Really, in short, it's just one fan game made in old software that was completed in 1998 and the other is still actively in the works that is largely contributed by a team and a passionate community.
did some research about it now that you mention it. SRB1 is just almost as a "platformer" and I agree, before posting that thread I was like "hmm maybe SRB1 has a reason of why is that or not". But with SRB2 starting in 1999, oh boy it got a bit uphill and after the version 2.2 update like you mentioned, they did actually get success after it, for those 2D people maybe SRB1 can be "nostalgia" and SRB2 can be "the next generation of Sonic games"

sorry if that was a bit rude of me 0n0


Marble Zone
Aug 20, 2020
No no, it's fine. You weren't rude. I think everyone agrees SRB1 aged pretty poorly. There is definitely a charm to it though.

EDIT: Oh, I forgot something. SRB2 actually started development in 1998, but it started out as a 2D game in the same vain as SRB1. But that incarnation was scrapped and they decided to modify the Doom Legacy engine to be the SRB2 we know now, the 3D version started in 1999 and got its first public release as SRB2 Halloween as a proof of concept.

Just wanted to correct any misinfo on my part haha
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Green Hill Zone
Aug 13, 2022
No no, it's fine. You weren't rude. I think everyone agrees SRB1 aged pretty poorly. There is definitely a charm to it though.

EDIT: Oh, I forgot something. SRB2 actually started development in 1998, but it started out as a 2D game in the same vain as SRB1. But that incarnation was scrapped and they decided to modify the Doom Legacy engine to be the SRB2 we know now, the 3D version started in 1999 and got its first public release as SRB2 Halloween as a proof of concept.

Just wanted to correct any misinfo on my part haha
SRB2 and SRB1 does have a story after all, and I was actually making a SRB1 remake following along with it's graphics, sprites and mechanics, but filled in with proper platformer code and updated sprites to share how SRB1 can be remastered in the future. And I suppose I can put the remake in SAGE 2023 since I already made my submittion for this years SAGE. Nonetheless have a good day Arrietty! :D
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