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Who Was The Cat? (SAGE 2021 Demo)

This is certainly the most experimental shooter I've seen in SAGE for the past 3 years


-it's got that abstract style [if you're looking for inspiration I recommend the bizarre worlds of pullei magika madoka]
-funky music with great sound design
-my controller fingers thank you for adding auto shoot mode
-the 3d animation texts before the boss battle is really cool

-a binding buttons feature since I get dodge dash and jump confused during moon boss.
-more abstract backgrounds and bosses, the more the better, even use effects on sounds such as reverse, reverb, echo, speed and pitch shift. Audacity is great for that kind of thing.

Overall Please make more of this game! you have such potential and you should keep going further with it!
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thanks a lot for playing, and for all the complements. We definitely intend to keep working on it, and controller mapping is definitely planned.
Really fun game! Can't wait to see more!
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thank you for taking the time to play it, it means a lot