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Nova the Squirrel 2

General Information

Nova the Squirrel 2 is an open source 2D platformer game for the SNES (it's an actual SNES ROM!), and is a sequel to Nova the Squirrel 1 which was previously released for the NES. It has inspirations from many games, but especially the Kirby series, Mario series, and a few other games such as Hannah and the Pirate Caves, and Chip's Challenge. It has a cast of original anthropomorphic animal characters and will feature a story later in development, involving friendship themes and meta playfulness with game mechanics.

The main characters are a green squirrel named Nova and a SNES mouse named Maffi. Nova has platformer levels (in green, on the map) while Maffi has Mode 7 puzzle levels (in purple). Nova is intended to be an animal platformer mascot character, which is why I decided she deserves her own game on an appropriate console.

I've provided some demo levels you can run around in. There are three levels from Nova 1 (first row, on the right), three puzzle levels (first row, on the left). On the second row, the first four on the left are attempts at serious levels in progress that I may or may not use, while the next two are test levels that may be interesting to look at anyway.

Platformer levels
Get to the exit door and press Up to enter it! Same for other doors.
B: Jump
Y: Run
X, A, L, or R: Attack/Use ability
Down+Select: Remove current ability
Start: Pause/access inventory

Up+Attack and Down+Attack may do a variation of your current ability
Up+Attack without an ability will shoot a special copying projectile that will give you the ability of the enemy it hits, if there is one. Your inventory contains debug items that will grant access to all of the abilities that are ready to be looked at, too.

Mode 7 levels
Collect all the green hearts and head to the exit tile! But beware: they turn into red skulls after you collect them, which you may not step on.
X: Look around
L/R: Strafe
Select: Reset to checkpoint

The game is still very early in development but most of the engine is there, and it's playable. I look forward to hearing your thoughts!
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This game had no audio when I played it. Is it not supposed to, or was my emulator just misconfigured?
Anyway, I was eyeballing this game since SAGE started because I thought it looked cute, and wasn't expecting an ACTUAL Super Nintendo game. Sound aside, it's a nice little platformer. If this ever comes out on actual repro carts, I'd happily pick one up!
This game had no audio when I played it. Is it not supposed to, or was my emulator just misconfigured?
I'm holding off on sound until the game is figured out a bit more thoroughly, I think. I want to have a pretty good idea of what sort of tracks I'm going to need (which in turn is going to require more concretely knowing what world themes I'll have) since soundtracks are expensive.

I'm glad you liked it!
I'm holding off on sound until the game is figured out a bit more thoroughly, I think. I want to have a pretty good idea of what sort of tracks I'm going to need (which in turn is going to require more concretely knowing what world themes I'll have) since soundtracks are expensive.

I'm glad you liked it!
Ah, figured! It's gotta be a lot harder to add sounds to a SNES game than a typical game.

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