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metal sonic : a really short demo

me gusta este fangame , aunque sea una demo muy corta , si tienes tiempo , podrias mejorar por ejemplo en salto y el super peel out
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Reactions: ShadowJackall
For a 3 week demo, you did a good job! The fidelity of this gives me sonic flash game vibes but better, Knuckles Chaotix was definitely a great pick in terms of your short demo and I'm surprised how well you did with the physics so far (like the loop de loop)! Keep it up!
This is a really great thing you've done! I'm now a big fan! Say, could you.. um.. make it like Sonic the Hedgehog 2? WIth, like, a Metal sidekick or something? And can you do a boss battle against Infinite. I'm a good story-maker, so you can ask me for a good storyline!
Hey superior_GIONDONOM_of_War, perhaps yeah, i wanna keep working on it after im done with my 3d platformer project. also i gotta release SOMETHING for sage 2021, so who knows i think i might pick it up again now with my more refined sonic engine.