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The game's interface its actualy pretty good and i am glad i get to choose what lenguage to play, the gameplay seems pretty decent when the game works
there are some serious slowdown on some sections of the test stage and there are somethings that are not completly translated such as when you are about to drown and the warning 'Toma aire' shows up, that is not translated

the game definetly still needs a lot more work
It still needs to work completly at least
Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't and i don't know why it happens and while those dll files did fix the game in some way to make it playable it still needs work (as much as anoying as i know it sounds)

Sin título.png
Thanks for your review, I will have your data in account and the errors usually appear due to when and from nowhere, Some errors that appear to the players to me have never appeared to me, for that reason I get confused and I can not find a way to solve them , An example of this is the error that you have just shown me, even so I will try to see what is happening, but as I do not usually appear errors I do not know if this is solved or not.

In the game usually appear problems from nothing, and because of this and had to restart it 2 times already, still try to find a way to solve them, again thanks for your review, I was not expecting the truth and 3 stars make me feel very according to the truth, thanks