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Project Overview

Primero que nada, quiero decirles una cosa, este es mi primer juego, lo he estado trabajando un tiempo, se que aun me falta mucho, esta demo que tienen aqui es una antigua pero es porque lo actual del juego se arruino de la nada, si, lo se, es raro, me ha pasado dos veces hasta ahora, esta demo no esta optimizada ni nada en especial, asi que me disculpo de antemano por esos fallos, en la actual estaba mas optimizado y muchas cosas mas, aun asi, espero que les guste esta demo 0.6

First of all, I want to tell one thing, this is my first game, I've been working in this for a while, I know I still have a lot, this demo that you have here is an old one but it's because the current game is ruined out of nowhere, yes, I know, it's weird, it's happened to me twice so far, this demo is not optimized or anything special, so I apologize in advance for those flaws, the current one was more optimized and many more things, I hope you like this demo 0.6

===== ESPAÑOL =====

Memorias de un Erizo
es un juego creado por JapoloyPaletin, todas las marcas registradas pertenecen a sus respectivos dueños. Creado en Game Maker 8 pro. Este FanGame es un Juego de Sonic con personajes propios, trabajado por una persona con consejo de algunos usuarios. El juego trata de la Pelicula trabajada con el mismo creador que cuenta la historia de los personajes. Esta Demo solo cuenta con un nivel de prueba y un personaje, aun asi se espera que disfrutes del juego. Creado en español, adaptado al ingles, es la razon de algunas palabras utilizadas.

===== ENGLISH =====

Memories of a Hedgehog is a game created by JapoloyPaletin, all trademarks belong to their respective owners. Created in Game Maker 8 pro. This FanGame is a Sonic game with own characters, worked by a person with advice from some users. The game deals with the movie worked with the same creator that tells the story of the characters. This Demo only has a level of test and a character, even so you are expected to enjoy the game. Created in Spanish, adapted to English, is the reason for some words used.



El juego
no inicia correctamente, puede que un Dll fue eliminado por el antivirus, aqui dejare para descargar los dlls por separado.


The game
does not start correctly, the Dll may have been deleted by the antivirus, here you can download the dlls separately.

Screenshots and media!



Programer: Japolo/Sholner
Animations: JyP Productions

Objects/Gimmicks Desing: Sholner
Level Desing: Sholner

Menus Desing: Sholner
Font Desing: Sholner

Objects/Gimmicks Sprites: JapoloyPaletin
Menus Sprites: Sholner

Characters Sprites: JapoloyPaletin
PixelArts: Sholner

Sholner the hedgehog ©: Japolo

White the AI ©: Mizu-Kumi


-Juan Frate-
-Alexandra Soto-

-Sam Erizo-

Engines Reference:
-Sonic Engine Plus-
-Super Ring Engine-
-SRU Engine b4-
-Modern DASH+ V1.0-
-Sam And The Virtual World-

Agradecimientos / Special thanks:
-Juan Frate-
-Kay Spriter-
-Alexandra Soto-
-Facundo Gomez-


Latest reviews

The game's interface its actualy pretty good and i am glad i get to choose what lenguage to play, the gameplay seems pretty decent when the game works
there are some serious slowdown on some sections of the test stage and there are somethings that are not completly translated such as when you are about to drown and the warning 'Toma aire' shows up, that is not translated

the game definetly still needs a lot more work
It still needs to work completly at least
Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't and i don't know why it happens and while those dll files did fix the game in some way to make it playable it still needs work (as much as anoying as i know it sounds)

Sin título.png
Thanks for your review, I will have your data in account and the errors usually appear due to when and from nowhere, Some errors that appear to the players to me have never appeared to me, for that reason I get confused and I can not find a way to solve them , An example of this is the error that you have just shown me, even so I will try to see what is happening, but as I do not usually appear errors I do not know if this is solved or not.

In the game usually appear problems from nothing, and because of this and had to restart it 2 times already, still try to find a way to solve them, again thanks for your review, I was not expecting the truth and 3 stars make me feel very according to the truth, thanks


De verdad tenia ganas de probar este juego, pero sale un error al iniciar que dice que faltan archivos externos, por mi parte ya repuse las dll, pero el problema persiste...
De verdad tenia ganas de probar este juego, pero sale un error al iniciar que dice que faltan archivos externos, por mi parte ya repuse las dll, pero el problema persiste...
Contactame a través de mi pagina de Facebook vare que es lo que pasa y como te ayudo con este problema
can ya make an option of allowing you to customize your controls? cuz doing this is pretty hard for me.

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4.00 star(s) 2 ratings

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