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Sonic GT Sage Final Demo

Project Overview


Hello! My name is Gabriel Gonzalez (a.k.a Greedy), I always loved the Sonic franchise , it was my first game way back in the days of the Master System with Sonic 1, and later Mega Drive Sonic 1 and 2, Later would return into the series on ADV 1 and 2.While I love the earlier 3D games from Sonic, I always felt that some part of the Genesis stile game was lost during the transition to 3D, both in level design and in game-play.

This project is made as an idea and an experiment of carrying over momentum based platforming into a 3D environment, the level design is made in a way that making a mistake will not force you to restart the level because you lost a life or because you cannot progress any further, every path , ring, enemy, slope (even rocks!) is a possible exploit that you can use to your advantage.

The Move-set for the game is quite big, but mostly optional. you can get from the start to finish by using only jumps and the homing attack, that being said, the tools at your disposal:
Jump/Homing attack/Jump Dash:
( A, Keyb Space, left mouse)
Homing attacks and Jump dashes will not force you into a halt, they will remove 5% of your total speed.
Hitting a target will sen you flying with most of your speed intact, but the direction upwards will depend on your angle of attack. Jump Dash can be hold for extra length and control.

(R1, left Ctrl)
Roll is exactly the same you would expect to be on a 16bit era game, it amplifies your speed and kill enemies on it's path. Keep in mind that while in the air you can always press R1 to curl into a ball if necessary.

Spin dash
( B , keyb Left Shift , right mouse )
Good Ol' Spin dash, can be charged on slopes, but not on walls.

Bounce :
On Air( B , keyb Left Shift , right mouse )
Bounce will send you flying straight into the ground, you can exploit this movement on slopes to get extra speed or change direction in a dime.

On Air( X , Keyb E )
Much like the bounce this move will Send you flying downwards , but instead of bouncing this move will completely stop your move, this can be used for precision landing and hard platforming.

Drop Dash:
On Air( R1 , keyb left ctrl )
The move from Mania's Sonic is also present, while weaker than the Spin dash, this can be used to keep you speed high into tricky sessions .Keep in mind that while in the air you can always press R1 to curl into a ball if necessary.

Light dash:
( Y , keyb F)
The light dash can be used on any ring thought the stage, it will always make you go faster than your old speed (it caps at 190m/s).

(Jump into the rail)
Rails are awesome ways of moving around in Sonic's world!
-Use Roll to increase the slope influence of the rail,this goes both ways, if you use it while climbing you will lose more speed!
Use Stomp to reduce your speed while grinding, but lets be honest nobody wants to do that ;)
Use Bounce to Change sides on the rail, gives you a small boost in speed if you are slow.

Trick System:
(L1 + Any other Button while in the air)
Tricks can let you go higher in the air, You are limited to one trick until you either hit the ground or destroy an enemy!

Wall Jumping:
(Jump into a wall)
You can Hold on into walls, you can chain as many as you can, but beware the next wall must be in a different angle than the one that you were before!

This demo contains:
-Tutorial Stage (Current Status is: Mostly Done)
-Hill Top Zone (Current Status is: Waiting for Rework)
-Ocean Paradise ( Current Status : Almost Done)
-Hidden Base ( Current Status : Almost Done)
-Radical Highway (Current Status : Waiting for Rework / Remake?!)

Have Fun ! :)

Sonic GT9_19_07_35_37.png
Sonic GT9_19_07_36_52.png
Sonic GT9_19_07_38_35.png
Sonic GT9_19_07_37_36.png


Current Team:

Gabriel Gonzalez
Everything :)

Tom Kempson
Voice Actor

Alex Lyons - @ALGameDev


Creative Consultant

Special Thanks to :

SuperSonic68 Creator of the Bumper Engine which was used as base for this project.

My friends at discord that always there to help and give opinions and advice:

@blealolealoleal @BoostedBandCamp @Hyperlink654
@This is a bit...Sketchy @gabrixter @infinite @Emerald
@Sir Draws @Hero @The Mad Hatter @Soundwave @Ikke31 @mork @mattBlox
And many many more that are on my discord day after day helping me!

The amazing Sonic Community of Fans and Developers :)​

Latest reviews

I almost was going to rate it 4 because it has some minor problems but im just so impressed. The level design is complex yet simple and there's so many ways to travel. sonic just feels so good to control apart from when you're turning corners
sega should hire you man, this is so damn good, keep it up


Fantastic Demo! I've been hearing about his project for a while, and all the gameplay I've witnessed beforehand has been nothing short of amazing! I do have an issue, though. It seems that for some reason, the game constantly runs in slow-motion for me. I'm not sure If I pressed a button to make that happen, but there are no instructions in the control settings. Do you know what this might be and how to fix it?
I can tell you have worked very hard on this. It's quite the amazing demo you have here and I love that you already have two playable characters. It's so fun getting Sonic going and just watching him go faster and faster and the effects added when he's going super speed are awesome. I'd love to see this kind of momentum based gameplay in an official game.

I have two small gripes though. First off, ... well the level design... most of the time it's just not very user friendly. The levels just don't seem to mesh together well and are kind of cluttered in some areas.

Two... the homing attack. I understand you didn't want Sonic to slow down due to the homing attack, but this makes areas where you have to use the homing attack to get somewhere almost impossible. The area in the desert level where you have to keep going up and then homing attack across some badnicks... the problem is Sonic homing attacks into one and then just flies off which, as I said makes it very difficult.

Other than that I'm looking forward to what else you come up with. Great job so far.
the problem is Sonic homing attacks into one and then just flies off which, as I said makes it very difficult.
Did you go through the tutorial level by any chance? There are two different Homing Attacks: one that is performed by tapping the button and one that is performed by holding the button. Tapping it will result in the Homing Attack that we're all used to from the core games. Sonic will bounce upwards, but not forwards. Holding the button will allow Sonic to bounce off of the target, retaining the momentum from the attack.

If you want to target an enemy and not be sent flying, just tap the jump button when the target reticle appears.

It sounds like the tutorial needs to be a bit more clear in this regard, eh? I'll send this note off to Greedy.
Fantastic Demo! I've been hearing about his project for a while, and all the gameplay I've witnessed beforehand has been nothing short of amazing! I do have an issue, though. It seems that for some reason, the game constantly runs in slow-motion for me. I'm not sure If I pressed a button to make that happen, but there are no instructions in the control settings. Do you know what this might be and how to fix it?
It looks like your system is struggling with the game , aside from lowering the settings , go on |video options >advanced options| and turn off the after images, this will make it less stressing for your computer to run the game.( you don't have to remove the body trail tough, just the after images), also disable all the image effects above. Motion blur is heavy, ambient occlusion too.
Something I ran into right away is that, at least for me, the controller configuration screen is broken. I am using a PS4 controller and after checking the PS4 controller box, I can map the triggers and sticks, but as soon as I attempt to map the face buttons the screen reverts to the options menu but I am unable to select anything. I've attached a screenshot of what the menu looks like after attempting to remap a face button.


Something I ran into right away is that, at least for me, the controller configuration screen is broken. I am using a PS4 controller and after checking the PS4 controller box, I can map the triggers and sticks, but as soon as I attempt to map the face buttons the screen reverts to the options menu but I am unable to select anything. I've attached a screenshot of what the menu looks like after attempting to remap a face button.
Ok, I will look into it. thanks for the screenshots :)

PS: would you try putting the face buttons before pressing the ps4 compatibility, then map the shoulders buttons? This might work around the problem for now, since the only problem the Ps4 controls have is the shoulders.
Ok, I will look into it. thanks for the screenshots :)

PS: would you try putting the face buttons before pressing the ps4 compatibility, then map the shoulders buttons? This might work around the problem for now, since the only problem the Ps4 controls have is the shoulders.
Went ahead and gave this a shot as well, but unfortunately no change. Interesting thing I noticed, however: I can remap the the stomp button no problem, it's jump, bounce and light speed dash that is causing issues. Something that comes to mind is that two of those three buttons are also used to confirm or deny menu prompts, so maybe while re-mapping they are also still attempting to navigate menus and are getting confused? I'm not sure how this is set up but I thought that might be worth mentioning as well :)

The controls are still more than adequate to play the game though, so I can say I had a good experience otherwise! Well done on your custom stages!
I can see that a lot of good will and passion went into this project. You've definitely go something going here and once its at its best, it'll truly be something special. However I do have some criticisms to lay out here.

First, the level design is too open ended. Having multiple paths is fine, but the stages should be more focused and should be delivering a unique experience while rewarding exploration every now and then. All these paths will make it very easy for a player to get lost and that's not what typically happens with Sonic's design principles. There also seems to be an emphasis on more speed and that's fine, but make sure to have platforming areas to make sure that the player is mastering the skills and to keep the stages fresh and dynamic. and I'll put this one in caps although this isn't directed at just you but LINEAR LEVEL DESIGN IS NOT BAD!!!!!

Second, Sonic and Shadow's airspeeds are WAY TOO HIGH! It's far too easy to sequence break and if it's that easy, what's the point of having a sequence to begin with. Their physics need some tweaks but besides the air issues, the engine itself is nice and stable and is a good iteration on the Adventure style gameplay. They stick to geometry well and this will allow for cool set pieces without the need to script them.

Third. This might hurt a bit to say but I guess someone has to. I appreciate the effort to have original voice acting, but it's not good. Sonic and Shadow's voices seem out of character. You might want to take a step back and see what it is that made these voices special. It's cool that you have original voices but don't have original voices just for the sake of saying that you have original voices. They should be on par if not better than the official VA's.

Next, the musical compositions are also not very good either. It seems like someone is making Sonic style music for the first time and you can hear the difference. There's no sense of atmosphere and they don't compliment the zones well at all either. If you're gonna use remixed zones, you should remix their themes. When making original tracks, take a look at the environment, think of the atmosphere created by that environment, and then compose the music around said atmosphere.

Besides these issues, you're on to something great and I hope you see these criticisms as constructive.
This looks super amazing from the videos I've watcched but for some reason when I download the .rar file it just won't work for me after trying to open through 7-zip. Is anyone else experiencing this issue?
Ive seen a lot of great things about this game and some of my favorite youtubers have been showing it off and id really love to play but for some reason everytime i try to extract it it says the file is corrupt and always gives me the "end of archive" error with the "checksum" error and im not sure ow to fix iti even tried using the repair tool(all of this is on winrar btw) but when i do the same error pops up while its "fixing" it so can someone help me?
I'm also getting the error:

"Cannot open the file '[filename]' as archive.

I think the file is corrupt.
This looks super amazing from the videos I've watcched but for some reason when I download the .rar file it just won't work for me after trying to open through 7-zip. Is anyone else experiencing this issue?
I'm also getting the error:

"Cannot open the file '[filename]' as archive.

I think the file is corrupt.
Ive seen a lot of great things about this game and some of my favorite youtubers have been showing it off and id really love to play but for some reason everytime i try to extract it it says the file is corrupt and always gives me the "end of archive" error with the "checksum" error and im not sure ow to fix iti even tried using the repair tool(all of this is on winrar btw) but when i do the same error pops up while its "fixing" it so can someone help me?
just tested and downloaded it. it's working correctly. we are having issues of antivirus false flagging the game so this might be the reason.
this link is a google drive download link in any case:
My game gets to about the 3rd credit screen and then instantly closes out. Please help I've heard so many good things about this fan game
This game is great, but there are sometimes cases where you have no idea where to go, and it probably needs a bit of course-correcting, as there were several times I fell out of the stage on the highway level while trying to fly into a tunnel
I have no idea why it doesn't work. Is it because of it being a rar instead of a zip I can extract the files of?

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