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Touhou - Fortuitous Strife in Arcane Land

Project Overview

(SAGE 2019 demo)
東方不要戦 ~ Fortuitous Strife in Arcane Land
This Touhou fangame is a bullet hell shooter stylized like the old PC-98 Touhou Project games developed by ZUN (Team Shanghai Alice)
This fangame contains completely new art and music, composed by Kousaku-P and arranged by ShinkoNetCavy, all created with the intention of feeling as authentic as possible to ZUN's past work.

As a strange magic fog coming from an unusual region of Makai makes both youkais and humans act unusually aggressive, the Hakurei shrine maiden Reimu Hakurei sets off to investigate and put an end to this chaos.
Some time after she takes off, the ordinary magician Marisa Kirisame follows silently behind, interested on stealing Makai's magic for her own experiments.


Reimu Hakurei - An elegant, yet powerful shrine maiden. Equipped with her Homing Amulet, she has a very wide range, which gives her a big advantage on taking out chunks of enemies! She is a bit slow, which can be troublesome for collecting items, and her shots don't deal much damage.

Marisa Kirisame - A childish, yet smart magician. Equipped with her Magic Missiles, she's poor in range, but has a big advantage in straight forward power, with missiles that explode and spread a little bit! She's a quick flier, which makes up for her lack of range, and deals a lot of damage.

If you've ever played a Touhou bullet hell game in the past, you know how this goes
Arrow Keys - Let you move around in 8 directions!
Z Key - Allows you to shoot! Hold it for autofire.
Shift Key - Holding this key displays your hitbox and allows you to move slower to get through tight spaces safely
X Key - Press this key to drop a bomb and clean the screen from any bullets! Bombs are very limited, so use bombs wisely.
Esc Key - Pauses the game and lets you take a break from all the insanity happening on screen!

Screenshots and media!

Bonus Content

Music Room - Allows you to listen to the game's original soundtrack! (Use arrow keys to scroll through the songs, press Z to play, X to stop and Esc to return to the title screen)


Kousaku-P (NovaWare) - Lead programming, level designing, music composition, illustrating;
Renex - Programming, engine cleaning, beta testing;
ShinkoNetCavy - PC-98 YM2806 Soundchip music arrangement;
Puddin-tan, Plum, Floogle, Vocacola, Blue, Calypso, Renko, DarkShadowNight, Kiso, ProBackup, KamiJoJo, BenniPortal, Kasaneiyoko, Paul Winchester, Heraga - Beta testing, telling me that I'm cool.
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Maybe it's just me, but the Difficulty feels a bit unbalanced for normal difficulty. It's really rough for Reimu to get a decent amount of power since she's stuck having to dance around the triple spread shots while lacking homing amulets. Also, those blue spirits are just a pain since they're nigh unkillable without bombing for Reimu and leave a really nasty surprise for Marisa. Deaths feel a bit too punishing knocking you down a level in power, which gets worse since the boss fight doesn't have a proper phases divided by them dropping power ups. Lastly, the bullet spawning right before the boss feels a bit unfair since a couple of those dense waves spawn pretty close to the player.

On the bright side, you guys really nailed the PC-98 aesthetic, the background is gorgeous, and the original tracks are great. You guys have a really good base for a PC-98 style game and I really wanna see where this goes.
Maybe it's just me, but the Difficulty feels a bit unbalanced for normal difficulty. It's really rough for Reimu to get a decent amount of power since she's stuck having to dance around the triple spread shots while lacking homing amulets. Also, those blue spirits are just a pain since they're nigh unkillable without bombing for Reimu and leave a really nasty surprise for Marisa. Deaths feel a bit too punishing knocking you down a level in power, which gets worse since the boss fight doesn't have a proper phases divided by them dropping power ups. Lastly, the bullet spawning right before the boss feels a bit unfair since a couple of those dense waves spawn pretty close to the player.

On the bright side, you guys really nailed the PC-98 aesthetic, the background is gorgeous, and the original tracks are great. You guys have a really good base for a PC-98 style game and I really wanna see where this goes.
Thank you for your feedback!
I've done an update that fixes the overall difficulty and now I think most casual players will have an easier time with the game.
HI! it's not actually the owner of this account BUT his girlfriend, ant. I'm a casual player of this game, I can beat normal mode w/o problems (except LoLK) and I've finished plenty of games in hard mode so I guess my feedback can help? The vibes I get are totally pc-98, even if the hitbox can be seen (which is really helpful in this case). The art and music give that feeling that I'm playing a ZUN game, although the background moving like that in the first stage is surprising since it usually had a static picture as it but it's a nice touch. I had problems with Marisa's master spark though, if this is going to be a full game with 6 stages blah blah I think the bullets that get to her hakkero shouldn't harm you and just be a visual effect (it feels a little unfair to suddenly get hit behind without any warning even in normal mode). I think some of the visual effects are a little distracting though, like when you kill an enemy and such. It's not a big deal at all but considering pc-98 had some wonky effects that hurt your eyes, I think it's worth noting? Anyway I enjoyed this and I hope you all publish this someday. Hopefully there are fan characters that will become popular!!! Who knows. Thank you!!!!!
HI! it's not actually the owner of this account BUT his girlfriend, ant. I'm a casual player of this game, I can beat normal mode w/o problems (except LoLK) and I've finished plenty of games in hard mode so I guess my feedback can help? The vibes I get are totally pc-98, even if the hitbox can be seen (which is really helpful in this case). The art and music give that feeling that I'm playing a ZUN game, although the background moving like that in the first stage is surprising since it usually had a static picture as it but it's a nice touch. I had problems with Marisa's master spark though, if this is going to be a full game with 6 stages blah blah I think the bullets that get to her hakkero shouldn't harm you and just be a visual effect (it feels a little unfair to suddenly get hit behind without any warning even in normal mode). I think some of the visual effects are a little distracting though, like when you kill an enemy and such. It's not a big deal at all but considering pc-98 had some wonky effects that hurt your eyes, I think it's worth noting? Anyway I enjoyed this and I hope you all publish this someday. Hopefully there are fan characters that will become popular!!! Who knows. Thank you!!!!!
Thank you for your feedback!
I've updated the game, adding a few frames where the hakkero charging bullets do not harm the player, reducing the visual effects so they don't get too distracting, as well as doing some bugfixes and making the stage a bit easier.

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