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SAGE 2022 - Demo Lunistice (SAGE '22 Demo)

General Information


Before you download, a little warning - this game was made in a self-imposed challenge to create a commercially viable game in only 30 days.
...Which didn't quite work out and it's now more like 30 days (+a year), oh well! As it turns out: 30 days is actually a really short amount of time to create a game that's not only commercially viable, but also fun - especially when the whole darn thing has to be developed during the developer's free time!

The goal was still to make a fun game in the end, with polished gameplay, but - you know - still don't expect a TON of playtime!

Lunistice is a linear 3D platformer that is heavily inspired by the 32-bit era of yesteryear. Follow Hana the Tanuki on her adventure through her dreams! Explore the different dreamscapes to guide her to her final destination - The Moon - and try to uncover the secrets of "The Lunistice" along the way!

~ More than 7 different dreams ~
Explore a multitude of different dreamscapes created from Hana's memories! Jump and run through an old shrine, a fancy water park or a world made out of food!

~ Simple, affordable fun ~
Lunistice is designed as a simple and short experience that you can easily play in short bursts! Have fun and enjoy the good vibes!

~ Replayability for days ~
Try to beat your fastest times and highest completion and get an S-Rank on every stage! And if you're looking for some additional variety: play the whole game as a different character with their own skills and gameplay! Additional guest characters will be made available via free patches!


But what is Lunistic...wait... wasn't this called "Eversleep" before?

Probably around the same time as the PC version, actually!

There you go! Wishlisting the game helps out a TON! So thanks a bunch! ❤

If you want to learn more about Lunistice, you can join the Lunistice Discord or follow us on Twitter!

Demo Features
  • Experience the first four levels of the final game!
  • Find a hidden secret! OooooOOOooo
  • Test your skills thanks to the new and improved ranking system!
  • ...and enjoy the good vibes and retro A E S T H E T I C S
Default Controls (Controller)
  • A / Cross: Jump
  • X / Square: Attack
  • RT / R2: Sprint
  • LT / L2: Reset Camera
  • L3: Zoom Camera
  • Burger Button: Pause Menu
s01.jpg s02.png s03.png s04.png s05.png s06.png

Latest reviews

I loved this when I first tripped over it at SAGE 2021 and I still love it. Really fun, simple platformer. I do need to gripe about something now though. What happened to the controls man? It feels I'm constantly struggling now just to keep her moving straight and not slippin n slidin every which where! I tried out the original SAGE 2021 demo just to make sure I wasn't crazy or it wasn't my new controller and nope. In the SAGE 2021 demo, she controls like a dream like I remember. Whatever you did, I'd prefer a revert back to how it used to be.
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Reactions: sanic da heg
What a great platformer! Charming artstyle, good level design, perfect controls, it has everything!
Pretty fun game

Fun levels
Excellent controller support
Great music
Nice graphics
Don't drag out too long

Pretty slippery physics
Camera doesn't automatically change

Overall, pretty fun game


Was sad to reach the end of the demo! Got 100% completion and A+ on all 3 available acts. The game's on my Steam wishlist and I'm so so excited for the release! Both the "intended" path with all the cranes and available shortcuts were a lot of fun to run through :)
My only complaint would be no control binding for gamepad (unless there is and the game just isn't picking mine up); I was unable to use mine in this case, but honestly would rather play with KB+M anyways after what I played.
Good luck with finishing up the game!
Hey there! Awesome demo! I loved it. Though, here is some criticism so you can make the game even better:

  • You've got a good amount of options in the menu! Though I'm missing a few, like the ability to reverse the camera. Speaking of the camera, I found it frustrating how I constantly had to change the position of it when playing. The Xbox One has a wonky stick and constantly moving the camera causes me to change the Y position of the camera as well, which isn't ideal. Either give me an option to move the camera with the player when I turn, or put the camera control on the bumpers too! 🙃

  • A Double Jump is usually used for games that aren't really focussed on platforming. It's there as a safety net for if the player can't get past a platforming challenge and it's there to make platforming easier. (Think of games like Ratchet and Clank etc.) It's why games like Mario Odyssey and Sonic Adventure 2 are so interesting, since they use dives and other mechanics to add mobility in the air and they use their other abilities to add challenge to the platforming.

    Personally I think a Double Jump makes platforming samey as well, since all you need to do to get to another platform is to simply press the Jump button again to realign yourself. You've got a great thing going with the air-spin! That could definitely take over the Double Jump. Maybe give the player some other form of aerial ability? 🤔

Overall loved the game a lot! It has a lot of charm and I think its simplistic nature is awesome. Keep it up! Can't wait to play it on Steam or my Switch! 👍
This has some lovely colors and a good variety of level gimmicks to keep players moving around! Making a 3D game where the camera never gets stuck inside walls or anything is a tough feat but you seem to be pulling it off. It wonder if some simple wooden arrow signs would make it clearer which direction is the main road and which is the secret area, so people don't miss some of them by mistake. The video options also seemed a bit sparse, the game was running at a really low resolution and with no anti-aliasing even on my fairly modern machine. But overall this is a fun, charming way to spend a half hour or two.
This has some lovely colors and a good variety of level gimmicks to keep players moving around! Making a 3D game where the camera never gets stuck inside walls or anything is a tough feat but you seem to be pulling it off. It wonder if some simple wooden arrow signs would make it clearer which direction is the main road and which is the secret area, so people don't miss some of them by mistake. The video options also seemed a bit sparse, the game was running at a really low resolution and with no anti-aliasing even on my fairly modern machine. But overall this is a fun, charming way to spend a half hour or two.
Heyo! Thank you so much!
I'm currently looking into giving the player's a better idea on where to go, though I'm not planning to making it too obvious. :D
And about the graphics settings: the low resolution is the intended look and part of the game's 32-bit aesthetic, so no 4K and/or anti-aliasing, sorry :)

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