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Aerial Guard [ALPHA DEMO 1]

This is a game that is clearly made with a lot of passion put in to it, and while the demo may be short, it is definitely sweet. I found myself playing it over and over again, and would likely still be playing it now if I was not attempting to play every game at this year's SAGE by the end of the weekend. This will definitely be a demo I will be playing again later.

Also on a more personal note, Aerial Guard was the first game I have ever played that was made with Unity and your demo was a great introduction to it.
Big Mike
Big Mike
I'd also like to add that if you are a Linux user thinking about trying this, I had no problems running this game using WINE.
That's good info. Although if this reaches a 1.0 release down the line, someone should remind me to do a native Linux build anyway.
2nd Original SAGE Game listed out of 77

I'm not much for spaceship shooters and this demo is rather short. Nevertheless, what's shown here is really promising. Controls were a bit difficult to control at first but it's smooth sailing once you get used to it. Not much to say besides to see what comes up in the future. Keep it up.
That's good to know. I think I might've been worrying too much about simplifying the control scheme instead of lowering the learning curve with content.
Thanks for the input